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"What?!" Subaru acted like your question was outrageous. Of course, you don't know for sure that he's died yet, but Subaru himself took a while to figure it out in the anime.

You want an answer, but you decide not to push it. If Subaru was just acting weird and hasn't already died, you would seem like a fellow weirdo.

"Never mind. Just know that you can tell me crazy stuff like that. If you aren't messing around, I'll believe you." Subaru seemed really confused about what you just said.

You shrug your shoulders. "You never know what can happen in a different world."

Subaru didn't respond. 

He's probably still stuck on me asking if he died yet. If he's seriously pondering that, maybe he really has died...

"Wait... is that why it's day again," he mumbled, "is that why my wound is gone? Did I really... die?" After saying that, Subaru collapsed.

This draws attention to you. 

Gosh dang. I can't seem to catch a break. I keep on getting a lot of public attention because of Subaru.

"Don't worry. He's just a little dehydrated. He'll be fine," you exclaim. You then pick him up and drag him to a random alleyway.

You set him down, and start thinking about what this implies.

So, if I'm right, Subaru has already died. If he's died, then that means that I probably don't have Return by Death. If I did, I should be able to remember what happened before.

Actually, maybe I do have Return by Death.... maybe I have to be the one that dies first to remember.

Eh. Who knows? I'll eventually find out.

After you waited for a few minutes, Subaru finally awoke. He sat up, and still had a confused expression on his face.

"(Y/N), I know that this sounds crazy, but I actually think that I might have died."

You nod your head. "I know, and besides, I don't care if it sounds crazy. Remember that we are in a fantasy world, where anything can happen."

He gulped. "By the way, how did you know that  died?"

You had already come up with a response for that. "Well, I know that this sounds silly, but you looked like you had seen a ghost or something." As you said, this sounds stupid, but Subaru should buy it.

"What do you mean?! I didn't even react much other than losing my hearing!" Subaru was experiencing a mix of frustration and confusion, which is not a good combination of feelings.

"Why don't you tell me about how you died?" You change the topic to avoid having to make up more lies. Fortunately enough, Subaru obliged.

"Well, this is the second time that I've been here. The first time, us two went around town and accomplished nothing, but then we got jumped by some ugly looking thugs. Then-" Subaru paused, and his face became calmer. "Emilia and Puck saved us. By the way, Emilia is a really cute girl, and Puck is a cat spirit." 

You notice that Subaru used Emilia's real name instead of Satella, so something must have changed from what happened in the anime.

"And it turned out that this little blonde girl -her name was Felt- stole Emilia's insignia. So, once we learned about that, we wandered around town until we finally arrived at the slums, where Felt lived. And then we went to the loot house where..." He squirmed, obviously uncomfortable with recalling the events from the loot house.

"...where we died." Subaru's face reverted to what you now call the 'What the crap just happened to me' face.

Interestingly enough, the curse did not react when he said that he died. 

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now