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Everybody had been moved to Crusch's mansion later that night and into the morning once all of the injured and dead people were moved onto carriages.

Apparently, there was a single traveler who came upon the tragic scene, and they rode to the capital as fast as they could, where they reported the incident to the knights.

Back in Roswaal's domain, Subaru had been talking to Emilia, and she didn't recognize Rem's name. When this happened, Subaru knew that something was wrong, so he told everybody that something must have happened to the transport.

Everybody that fought against Betelgeuse then went back and traveled the road that you had taken, and they reached the scene just after the healers did.

And that's what Subaru told you as the two of you were sitting by Rem, who was lying comatose on one of the many beds in Crusch's mansion.

"Now that I think about it, I've never seen Rem sleeping before. She always woke up before me, and..." Subaru chuckled with remorse. "Before I realized it, she was already in my room, waiting for me to wake up."

He sighed sadly, and cupped one of his hands around Rem's cheek. "I'm sorry, Rem."

You balled your fists up. How could you not feel terrible when Subaru was acting like this? You were there at the incident, but you couldn't help Rem. You couldn't help anybody. "I'm sorry..."

Subaru looked at you. "There's not much that you could have done, so..."

You shook your head. "I'm going to get stronger. When something like this happens again, I'm going to protect everyone. I'm not going to lose people when I'm right there."

"Me too. (Y/N), do you mind if I train with you? Julius told me that you're supposed to be training every day, so I want to do it with you. I don't want to be weak anymore, so that would be a good start."

You nod your head. "Sure," is all you said.

Suddenly, there were bright blue dots in the air. You were caught off guard, but the lights weren't hostile.

Instead, they came together to form Puck. "Good morning!" he greeted.

"Oh, it's just you, Puck." Subaru said.

Puck dramatically gasped. "Just me?! I don't think that was necessary. You're so mean!"

Subaru ignored the dramatics, and you just sighed. "So, what brings you over here?" Subaru asked the spirit.

Puck crossed his arms playfully. "I have a connection to this girl too, remember?"

At that word, your eye twitched. 'Remember'. That was pretty ironic if you do say so yourself.

Puck continued his dialogue. "So what's wrong with me dropping by to check on her?"

For a moment, hope flashed through Subaru's eyes. "Puck, would you be able to-"

"Sorry, but not even my power can wake her up from the sleep that she's in." Puck interrupted Subaru, and at this point, you were just listening. Puck just being himself was able to lighten your mood, so you just enjoyed his presence.

When Subaru looked downcast at the answer, Puck said, "Well, I can at least tell you about Gluttony."

At this point, you sighed. There wasn't much that Puck could tell you, so he was probably going to say stuff that you already knew. "The Authority of Gluttony is pretty much a power for eating. He could eat someone's name and make everyone forget about them, or make that person lose their memories by eating them. If both the name and memories are eaten, there will be nothing left except for an empty shell." Puck looked at Rem. "That is what happened to this girl."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now