The Trials of the Tower

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Ram lashed out with dangerous wind magic at Omega since Shaula accidentally revealed her to be Echidna, and a lot of things proceeded to happen in less than a second.

The first person to react was Roswaal, who dashed to move his body in front of the quickly approaching wind blade.

An instant later, Omega jumped out of the way from the spell she identified as El Fura. She knew that this particular wind magic was impossible to physically counter without harming somebody next to her, so she threw herself behind Shaula.

Shaula noticed her Auntie jumping behind her, and she stayed in place as she saw somebody jump in the path of the spell.

All Meili could do was powerlessly sit and watch in horror as the conflict broke out before she even knew why Ram was so angry.

In the time it took you to blink, Ram casted El Fura and Roswaal landed on the ground after blocking the magic aimed at Omega.

"Eh?" Ram's scream of rage was choked into a gasp of disbelief and horror. Her body began to shake uncontrollably from shock, and she fell to the ground as she whispered, "R-Roswall-sama?"

"Thaaaaat was a close one!"

Suddenly and as if nothing had happened, Roswaal picked himself off the floor, with no evidence that he had just been hit with the wind spell that would easily destroy all but the toughest materials.

Your eyes widened at the sight, because this is almost exactly how it looked when Regulus first attacked you and found out that his Authority had no effect on you.

'It can't be... (Y/N), what we just witnessed was something that even myself in my prime would not have accomplished: rewriting magic! This man rewrote the spell's mana until it did not exist in the moment that it came into contact with his body. As much as I hate to admit this, I am thoroughly impressed.'

While Echidna ignored Ram and marveled over Roswaal's incredible save, the maid didn't find it amusing whatsoever.

Pushing herself off the floor, she stomped closer to everybody outside of the room. "What is the meaning of this?! How long have you been with her?!" she furiously asked Roswaal.

Roswaal clicked his tongue and wagged his finger at Ram. "You know better thannnn to attack our allies, Ram! Is it not natural to protect them from such a daannngerous spell?"

"Don't start with this!" Ram demanded. "Tell me the truth! How long has Echidna been revived? How long have your goals been achieved?!"

"Myyyy, this is quite a misunderstanding we have ourselves here, don't you think so, Omega? I believe that Shaula misspoke, no?" Roswaal, a fellow master of lies, deflected Ram's challenges to the cause of them.

"I suppose that hiding the truth any further would be more detrimental than beneficial, so the time has finally come," Omega said as she came out from behind Shaula, who had no idea what was happening.

What Shaula did know was the fact that her Auntie's death glares were being directed at her for some reason, and that couldn't be good.

Making direct eye contact with Ram, Omega finally ended her illusion spell, which was always making her look like Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate.

Ram's fists clenched as she saw that Omega was actually identical to the Ryuzu clones all the way back from the Sanctuary. "So," Ram said menacingly, "this means that you've been resurrected since we left that evil place. What more do you want from Roswaal-sama?!"

Omega snickered. "You overestimate the value this clown has to me. If you were as smart as you claim to be, you would realize that he would not still be pursuing his plans if Echidna were alive. The fact that he is here proves that I am not the Echidna that you assume I am."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now