A Vow

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Well, the first order of business is to find something to cover your... privates.

You look around, but can't find anything in the immediate area. You see that there are some plants with large leaves on the edge of the clearing.

You look over to where Rem is now fighting the mabeasts.

Well, it's not like I can help, so I might as well cover myself up.

Although your hands were still shaking from the trauma you just went through you pushed through the fear and made a dash for the plants, and you hoped that nobody saw you. That would only serve to add insult to injury.

You found a big leaf, and wrap it around your waist. It barely stays on, but it will do. You take a peek into the clearing, and the situation seems to have gotten worse.

All of a sudden, a large monster seemed to grow from nowhere, and Subaru and the maids seemed to be in trouble.

I know! I'll just have to make up a spell and go with the flow!

Holding your leaf pants up, you sprint to your companions. You take a deep breath, and imagine a spear of light piercing the overgrown mutt.

The area around you started to glow, and sure enough, you could see a spear of light begin to materialize.

"Now, go forth and vanquish my target! Spear of Judgement!" You hold your hand out, urging the makeshift spell to kill the monster.

The spear blew up in a magnificent explosion, burning some parts of your body, and disintegrating your leaf.

You faceplant, and are unable to move after failing the spell. Your body felt numb from using too much mana, and it took all of your might just to be able to lift your head.

So this is how Megumin feels...

You strain your eyes up just in time to see Roswaal absolutely destroy the huge mabeast with a fire attack.

Well dang... You relax your body and lay still. You weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Time skip

You're laying in your bed, still exhausted from the events that transpired earlier.

Your regenerating ability didn't seem to take away significant mana, but your failed spell is why you're so exhausted.

After the strenuous fight, nobody seemed to notice you, especially since you were flat on the ground, and still pretty far away.

The person that did find you was Roswaal, who noticed you while he went around killing the rest of the mabeasts.

The memory sent a shiver down your spine. This is something that you'll never tell anyone about.

Nobody was by your bedside when you woke up. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but you are a little jealous of the attention that Subaru was getting.

Sure, he has to be healed, but you got mauled way worse than him. In fact, it would probably be just as bad as the time that Subaru gets eaten alive by the bunnies.

Yeah, it sucked, but nobody is staying with you and making sure that you're okay. That's because they know you'll be just fine.

(Y/N), the guy that can't die from physical wounds!

Well, my life was in danger too! Who knows if I'll actually die from mana depletion? I haven't tested it out, so who knows? Can't they at least show a little bit of sympathy?

You turn in your bed, and notice a neatly folded note. You pick it up, and read it:

(Y/N), I hape that yu are feleng bedder. If you wace up abone, I am sorri, but Balusu neeped mole attenton, and e still habe jogs, bud somene shulb ceck om you soon.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now