Transitioning to Uncertainty

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I'm back! As a thanks for being patient with me, I will have a Q/A at the end of this chapter where I can answer questions that you have. Enjoy!

Your mouth hung agape as you stared at Echidna, who was now possessing the body that was formerly known as Ryuzu Shima. "H-How?" You asked. This sudden twist was so unexpected that you couldn't really process what was happening.

Echidna grinned. "It is simple, really. It began approximately ten years ago when Shima went into my graveyard to rescue that hot headed demi-human when he attempted to pass my Trial. When she did this, I inserted a small piece of my soul in her, and I have been slowly taking over her body ever since. All I had to wait for was that disgusting girl to break the barrier for me. Now, I am free to roam the world and gain as much knowledge as I can to satisfy my Greed!"

She dramatically put her arms in the air, waiting for you to react.

You scratched your head. "So... are you going to come along with me, or are you going to be going solo?"

Echidna let her arms fall to her sides. "I originally planned to completely possess this body, but as I can still gain knowledge from your memories, I elected to keep a part of my soul here. Since a part of me is still available to you, I will travel on my own until I believe that you require my presence."

You were slightly troubled by this since Echidna was probably super powerful now that she had a physical form, and now she's leaving you.

Noticing your discomfort, Echidna said, "Now, this is also because it would be problematic if anybody else who has witnessed the events of this past week sees me. With this body, I am identical to one of the clones, so if they saw me with you, it would raise questions, and our contract would be revealed much earlier than it should be. Natsuki Subaru clearly holds a strong disdain for me, so the relationship between the two of you would suffer as a result of the discovery of my presence. Do you not agree that it is for the best that we stay separated for now?"

You found yourself nodding your head as you listened to Echidna. "That sounds reasonable, but when will you rejoin me? I get that I can still visit you via Tea Party, but when I finally face off against the Witch Cult in the future, I would feel a lot better if you were with me."

She stopped to consider this. "I no longer possess the Authority of Greed, so I cannot predict when you will next face the Witch Cult. The only reassurance I can give you is that, during my travels, I will also search for allies who can aid you in your quest to slay all in the Witch Cult, and when I am aware of potential conflicts, I will come to your side as soon as I can."

"Really? I can't argue with that, then." It really helped that Echidna was going to help find people who were going to help you fight the Witch Cult, because there are definitely going to be some  opponents that will be really hard to fight, and the more powerful the people you had on your side, the better.

She nodded her head with a smug expression on her face. "Of course you can't argue! I find the perfect course of action as long as I hold the information necessary to do so! And even if I don't have that information, I can still formulate countless plans and arguments that will surely work!" 

"In that case, you can find Elsa and Meili on your own, right?" You asked with a grin.

Echidna's body turned completely still. "I finally have a physical form, and instead of asking for a typical male request, you turn my own words against me in order to resolve a conflict that you gave the impression of solving yourself?" She deadpanned, and stared you down.

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