The Loot House

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You are now at the slums. Grinning, you remember the events right after Subaru learned Felt's general location.

"Off to the slums, we have a thief to catch!" Subaru started running off without you and Emilia.

"Umm, (Y/N), Subaru just ran the wrong way. The slums are in the opposite direction." Emilia sounded disappointed, and for a good reason.

"Don't worry. Stay right here, and I'll go get him." You run off and quickly catch up to Subaru.

"Hey genius, where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to the slums, where else would I be going?" He was now facing you, who was behind him, while running forward.

You smirk. "Well, good luck with that. I'll be going in the right direction with Emilia. See ya." After saying that, you slow down and come to a stop.

Subaru, on the other hand, kept trucking forward. Unfortunately, he still wasn't looking ahead of himself and ran into a woman, knocking her over. "Was machst du, du dummkopf!"

"I'm so sorry, my friend here can be a dolt, so please excuse him!" You grab him and run back to where Emilia was waiting.

"Huh?" Subaru yelled as you ran with him. "Who even says 'dolt' these days???"

Man, the face that Subaru made was priceless! This is now a new core memory!

You snap out of the memory and focus on the scene in front of you. Unlike the memory, there is nothing here to smile about. There are many houses in very poor condition. They were filthy, and looked like they would fall over if the wind blew too hard.

The same went for the people. They wore rags, and looked as if they never experienced the luxury of a bath. They were frail, and you could tell that that they were extremely malnourished.

What kind of government lets so many people fall this low into poverty?

You thought this partially as a sarcastic thought and partially from genuine dismay at the poor living conditions of the slums.

As you walked around even more, you could feel the tension in the air.

Nervously, Emilia asked, "Are you sure she's here?"

"Lia, don't you trust that man who gave us this information?" Puck spoke for the first time in what seems to be quite a while.

"Well, he did seem to be trustworthy, but this place is just unsettling. Hey, maybe someone will tell us where Felt lives if we ask them!" Emilia's demeanor brightened up a little after saying this.

"No one would sell out one of their own, so I don't think that would work," said Subaru, "maybe we should come back later.

"No." You say this very firmly. "The more we wait, the higher the chance that she doesn't have the insignia anymore." Besides, you also know that Puck won't be able to stay materialized forever.

"He has a point," said Puck. "Thankfully, I have a few more hours before I'm out of time, but Lia would get really sad if we waited too long!"

"What do you mean, 'out of time'?" Subaru wants to know this, but you already know what Puck means.

"Well, since I am a spirit, it takes a lot of mana just to stay in this physical form, so I return to the crystal I was summoned from when it is later in the day. I usually stay from about 9 to 5."

Hey, that's almost the same as my Saturday shifts! Puck and I aren't so different after all!

"We'll be fine even without Puck, so let's keep moving forward." Emilia was determined to get her insignia back, even if it was without Puck.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now