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Priscilla and Al met with Roswaal and Annerose Miload after the battle, and you heard nothing from them afterwards. According to Frederica, Priscilla left with a scowl on her face, so that would explain her absence.

Seeing as your "phone" didn't go off, Roswaal probably denied the Princess of Pride her message to Al's phone, seeing as the message would get sent to everybody in The Crusaders. You were going to reject her demand for the same reason, but since Clind acted before you could, it looks like the clown said it instead.

Speaking of the clown, wasn't Omega going to engage in some psycological war against him? That hadn't happened yet, but maybe it would start soon.

'Perfect timing for that thought, (Y/N). After extensive consideration, I have deduced the most advantageous actions to take next. I will discuss this topic with you once you have settled in your room, where we will not be pestered by distractions.'

'Wait... so does that mean you're not in a bad mood anymore?'

'You expect me to be upset for an extended period of time for no apparent reason? What do you take me for? A simpleton?'

That question was best left unanswered, so you brushed it off. 'Well, that's good. Seeing as you said all of this right after I was thinking about messing with Roswaal, I can't wait for you to tell me about it.'

'While that topic will be discussed, there are far more serious matters that we must consider.'  Echidna sighed. 'But, as I stated earlier, I will be patient and reveal the results of my self-inquisition only when we will not be bothered.'

The Witch of Greed sounded slightly disappointed in her response, so you decided to act a little more serious. 'Got it. We might be getting ourselves in a pinch, so I'm glad that you somehow came up with some solutions.'

'Of course I was able to formulate those solutions. All that I was required to do was to use the "nunya" technique.'



'Did you seriously just try to get me to ask you what nunya is?'

'....'  Echidna pouted in defeat. 'Was it that obvious? I was attempting to appear humorous, as my character has seemed too serious lately.'

You shook your head, even though Echidna couldn't see you directly. 'You don't have to use those jokes from my memories. You can be funny just by being yourself.'

There was a brief pause, and you took the mentally silent moment to focus on your surroundings to make sure that you were heading in the right direction, which was supposed to be the dining hall.

From a distance, you could hear Garfiel loudly bantering about something, so this was definitely the right path.

After this short break from discussion, Echidna resumed talking. '(Y/N), you have come very far since I first met you. Not only have you progressed in using magic and in combat, but you have slightly matured, and now you can even find your way to most locations within this mansion. Perhaps it was wrong of me to initially judge you as an individual who could not properly think for yourself.'

'Not gonna lie, that hurt a little, but I'm just going to accept the praise and ignore that insult. You're not really wrong, so there's no point in trying to do anything about it.'

'Indeed. Now, please consume your meal as quickly so that we can discuss my ideas as soon as possible.'

Just by walking closer to the dining hall, you could smell the delicious aroma of whatever it was that Frederica had prepared. 

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now