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Standing down the road were the Archbishops of Greed and Gluttony.

We are so screwed right now... What do we do?

Countless thoughts ran through your mind, but it was the last one that made it out of your mouth. "We need to get out of here."

You whispered these words to Rem and Crusch, hoping that you could at least stop Gluttony from eating their names/memories.

"What did you say?" questioned Crusch.

"I said that we need to get out of here. Now." Your voice trembled as you tried to talk as quietly as possible. "We can't beat these guys, so go now!"

Instead of Crusch responding, you heard someone else's voice. "Huh. You people seem to have a lot more manners than those idiots who just tried to run me over. How dare they?! They didn't even know me, but they decided that I was better off dead! Now, introduce yourselves and apologize. When you almost hit a pedestrian, they deserve an apology!"

"Nonsense! You killed all of those men and ground dragons! How dare you do those brutal things! Who are you?!" Horrified, you looked back at Crusch, who said this. This was the last thing that Regulus needed to hear. He could destroy anything with ease, and attacks don't affect him. Fighting him was useless.

Regulus looked disgusted. "You know, when you want to know someone's name, it is only fair that you introduce yourself first! Did you not hear what I just said?! You don't introduce yourself, and you don't apologize to me. Instead, you-"

"I'm sorry for her behavior!" You interject. "My name is-"

"Don't interrupt me! That is a violation of my right of speech! When somebody is talking, is it not common courtesy to hear them out? What if they have something important to say? Have you ever thought of that?! How would you feel if you were interrupted? Angry, of course! So I have every right to be frustrated that you will not let me finish my sentences! If you had any sense of respect, you would understand my pain!"

Once Regulus began to rattle on, you felt hopeless. Talking to him won't do any good, so there was only one course of action left.

You jumped to the front of the carriage, and took the reins. You didn't have any experience steering a ground dragon, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?!" yelled Rem, who had brandished her morning star. "Those are Witch Cultists! They reek of the Witch! We need to kill them!"

You shook your head violently as you tugged on the reins, urging the ground dragon to turn around. "No! We can't beat those two! The only way that we're getting out of here without dying or getting your memories and existence erased is to run away!"

Your words confused the two passengers. "What do you mean, getting our existence erased? Is that not what the White Whale did?" Crusch asked.

"Yes! It did! But over there is the Archbishop of Gluttony, and he does the same thing! So if you want to get out of here, help me steer this thing out of here!"

A bewildered Crusch began to near you, but your carriage was suddenly ripped apart. Shattered pieces of wood flew everywhere, and you fell onto the ground. Crusch and Rem landed a short distance behind you, which made you the closest person to Regulus.

"And now, you have the audaciousness to ignore me! All I wanted was an apology, but nooooooo! Does nobody know how to properly treat other people?! No! Of course not! It seems like people lose manners as time goes on! What happened to treating others like you want to be treated? Huh?! Did your parents not teach you proper etiquette?  Did you not learn to respect others?! I am trying to hold a civil conversation, but I cannot help but feel violated by your rudeness. Do not deny my rights!" Regulus approached you, and you punched the ground. Everything was going wrong, and it was all your fault.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now