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The first thing that you noticed was a black haze that seemed to cover everything.

"So, is this what the afterlife looks like? I guess that when I die, the me that dies actually dies, and the one from the past keeps living. That sucks... I wish that I could've stayed until the very end." 

You looked around your surroundings, but there was only darkness - with a tint of purple. 

"Useless. Useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless!"

There was a whisper that crescendoed from nothing, and it seemed to come from everywhere. Unfortunately, you recognized who it came from. Sighing, you mumbled, "Nevermind.  I'm somewhere worse."

From the darkness, Satella's silhouette appeared. Well, it would be more accurate to say that this was the Witch of Envy.

"You let him die! Subaru died! He died died died died died died died died died died died died died died died died died died! You... didn't help him! So useless! Useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless!"

The Witch of Envy approached you, but you didn't budge. "You know, I'm technically dead now, so you can't really do much to me. And by the way, if you think that I'm so useless, then give me back my regeneration! Did you ever stop to think that I wouldn't die if I couldn't die? Do you have no common sense?!"

As you chastised the Witch of Envy, you found that you couldn't breathe. There was now a shadowy hand that was grabbing your throat, and it was squeezing tighter and tighter by the second. 

Of course, you were dead, so this wouldn't kill you, but the pain around your neck and your lungs yearning for air still made for a painful experience.

"Stop that immediately. This boy is mine, so release him at once."

Echidna materialized beside you, and she looked at the Witch of Envy with hatred.

The Witch stared back, and you felt the pressure on your neck disappear. "Subaru..." the Witch of Envy whispered, "I love him. I love him love him lovehimlovehimlovelovelovelovelovelovelove." 

She paused as a new thought came out. To Echidna, she rambled, "You love him. Love. Him. Lovehimlovehimlovelovelove. Why?! How?! Unfair! Unfairunfairunfairunfairunfair!"

Echidna stared blankly at the crazy Witch. "I have no idea what you mean. Now, begone. You are not welcome here."

Satella openly wept as the scenery slowly changed and she faded away. "Subaru... Subaru Subaru Subaru SubaruSubaruSubaruSubaruSubaruSubaruSubaruSubaruSubaru..."

Her voice disappeared as the shadows whispered away, revealing a small, green hill with a small table on top of it.

This was Echidna's tea party, or to be more exact, this was the current manifestation of her Castle of Dreams.

"You know, I'm not saying that I'm not happy that you made her go away, but how in the world am I here?! I'm pretty sure that I died." You looked at Echidna with a puzzled expression, and she was ready to answer.

"Subaru died moments after you did, so that Witch chose to keep your soul from returning Od Laguna, which can be described as the 'God' of this world. Actually... would you soul go to Od Laguna? Would it return to the deity that precedes over your world? Would it simply fade into nonexistence? I would love to find out, but I am afraid that this experiment would be too dangerous." Getting back on track, Echidna continued, "As I was saying, the Witch of Envy pulled your soul into her Shadow Garden, and I brought your soul into my Castle of Dreams before it could disappear."

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