Just Let Us Help!

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"Wait! You gave me information about the thief, and I healed Subaru. We're even now, so there is no need to help me anymore!" Emilia stepped out in front of you, and you stop.

"No, that's not true. You helped us with the thugs and then you healed me, so we still owe you one. Now let's go." Subaru took the lead, and left the alleyway.

He turned around, and said, "What are you waiting for, we need to go as soon as possible!"

You look at Emilia, shrug your shoulders, and join Subaru. Emilia sighed, and followed along.

The three of you and Puck walked towards the direction that Felt had headed.

There was an awkward silence, but it was broken by Subaru. "By the way, what is an insignia? Is it one of those badge things that shows your social status?"

Emilia bobbed her head. "That's a pretty crude description, but yeah, that's pretty much it. It is about this big, and it has a jewel in the center." She made a circle shape with her hand to show you the size.

Given this information, Subaru looked at you. "(Y/N), how did you know that the girl took Emilia's insignia? How did you even know what an insignia is?"

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Don't worry Subaru, I didn't make this up. Felt really does have the insignia, but I don't have any solid proof.

This question piqued both Emilia and Puck's attention. Everybody is looking at you, waiting for an answer.

"Well, unlike you, Subaru, I wasn't staring at her body."

"Hey!" Subaru shouted in protest.

"You know its true!" This shut him up, and your other companions gave Subaru a dirty look. "Well, unlike you, I saw that she was holding something, and once Emilia said that her insignia was stolen, I made the connection. The thing that the thief was holding looked like an insignia, so it must've been what Emilia was looking for."

Of course, all of this was a lie, but it would have to do.

"How observant of you, (Y/N)!" praised Puck. He then looked at Subaru. "Learn to be more like him."

"Hey! Can't someone praise me for something? I just wish that somebody would treat me nicely today!" Subaru whined, and he hung his head down.

"You say that, but Emilia here would have left us without you. Give yourself some credit for the good things you've done. Don't just linger on all the negative things." You pat him on the back while saying this.

Subaru smiled. "Thanks, (Y/N). I don't know if getting beat up and passing out is worthy of praise, but thanks."

Sorry about that, Subaru. I knew that you were in a lot of pain, but I wasn't brave enough to put myself in any real danger. I promise that I'll get stronger so I won't be on the sidelines forever.

During this exchange, Puck stared at you. "He's hiding something," he whispered to Emilia. "I said that I didn't sense any malice, but I do sense that he is concealing something."

"It's fine, Puck. He seems like a good person. Besides, with you by my side, there is nothing to worry about."

She said this a little above a whisper, so you and Subaru faintly hear the talking. "What? I didn't hear what you said, " commented Subaru.

"Oh, its nothing." Emilia gave a big smile, and it made both of you forget about it. "By the way, I can search for my insignia on my own from here. You may think of my helping you as two separate deeds, but I view it only as one, so I still think that you don't have to come and help me."

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