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Subaru woke up in his bed, shaking uncontrollably. He had just died in one of the gruesome ways possible: being swallowed alive and dissolved in stomach fluids.

He couldn't find it in himself to get out of bed. Instead, he started sweating profusely and curling up, trying to comfort himself.

After ten minutes of this, there was a knock at his door. "Subaru-kun, can I come in?" Rem's voice made it to Subaru's ears, but he only mumbled something in response.

She could faintly hear him, so Rem entered Subaru's room. As soon as she did, she gasped and dashed to his side. "Subaru-kun! What is wrong? What happened?"

She took hold of his hand and looked at the disturbed boy with worry. This only served to make Subaru start crying. "I'm sorry, Rem..." he sobbed, "I'm sorry. I failed. Again."

Rem only looked even more worried after he said this. "D-did you have a nightmare?" 

Subaru kept on crying, his mind on the verge of collapse. He couldn't handle the combination of stress, pain, fear, and anxiety that he was experiencing, making it obvious to everybody that his mental health was completely destroyed.

Seeing Subaru like this pained Rem, so she did the only thing that she knew to do. She sat up and wrapped her arms around Subaru, giving him a deep hug from behind.

This calmed him down, as his crying lessened. He started sniffling, and was finally able to talk again. "Sorry, Rem. I can't explain this to you, but I'm just having the worst time right now. Can you stay here for a while?" He didn't want to admit it, but her hug calmed him down some, and her presence, her living body, being there made him feel less crazy.

"Of course." She warmly said, willing to do anything for the boy that she loved.

"Thanks." They stayed in that position for the better part of an hour, with Subaru trying desperately to come up with a plan that would not end like his last one did.

Suddenly, after a long period of silence, Subaru had an idea. "Hey Rem, I think that I'm better now. I just needed to calm down. Let's go to the courtyard and sit in the sun. I'll tell you about what had me worried so much when we get there."

Rem broke the contact between them, and nodded. She then followed Subaru through the halls of the mansion, and out onto the yard in front of the gates.

Subaru sat down in the middle of the grass and patted the ground next to him, gesturing for Rem to sit there. 

She did, and expectantly waited for Subaru to explain why he had been acting crazed earlier.

"Well, first off, I'm sorry for worrying you, Rem. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I broke down. I'm better now, so I'll let you know what happened." Of course, he wasn't going to tell her the truth, but he had something close enough to it.

"I learned that Witch Cultists will be attacking Roswaal's domain in three days, and if we try to take the highway back, the White Whale will kill us."

Rem looked back with shock. "Witch Cultists?! Are you sure?!" There was anger in her voice, making her hate for the evildoers apparent.

"Yes, I'm sure. And if we don't kill them in time, then not only will the villagers die, but everybody in the mansion will die too."

Rem gasped and stood up. "We need to tell Crusch-san about this immediately!"

Subaru shook his head and stayed put. "No. That won't work. There's nothing in it for her, so she won't help us. Instead, there's somebody else who might be able to do something."

She looked confused, wondering how Subaru came to those conclusions. "And who will help us then?"

A motion caught Subaru's eye, and he smirked. "He just pulled up to the gate." He slowly stood us, groaning as his body objected to the movement. 

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