Meeting Emilia

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"Stop now, and I'll forgive you." The figure standing at the other end of the alleyway was none other than Emilia, the beautiful silver-haired half elf.

"Please return what you have stolen." She had a determined look on her face, but this wasn't deterring the thugs.

"Bruh. We haven't even stolen anything." The thug had a point, but Emilia had the wrong idea.

"Don't lie. Lying is bad. Please return what you have stolen from me. It's really important to me." She looked at you and Subaru. "I'll turn my cheek to whatever you stole from them, so please just give me back my thing."

This gave the thugs a confused expression. "Wait... you didn't come here to help these kids?"

"Well, no," she replied, "but-"

"Then you have no business with us. We ain't got any of your stuff, so scram." The small guy rudely interrupted her. "If anyone's got your stuff, it's probably that little brat that ran past us a few moments ago. Now shoo." He waved his hands at her, expecting her to go away.

Emilia didn't go away, but this statement made her think for a second. "Well, you don't appear to be lying, so I guess I should chase after her..." 

No, please don't go! Please stay, please stay, please stay...

"-but I can't ignore what is going on here."

That's Emilia for you! She actually has morals, unlike so many other people!

All of a sudden, dozens of ice shards materialized in the air. Watching the anime, it felt like average anime magic, but experiencing it in real life was something special. 

I just experienced real magic! Not illusions or brain tricks, but real magic!

While you and Subaru were entranced with Emilia's magic, the thugs had other ideas. 

"I don't care if you can use magic! We'll still kill you!" The thugs started running at Emilia, and one of them said, "She can't win if it's all of us against her!"

After they said this, a voice suddenly came from nowhere. "Indeed. All of you against her may be unfair, so what about I join?"

There was a sudden flash of light, and everyone's favorite cat spirit materialized. 

It's Puck!

Just the mere presence of this spirit was enough to deter the thugs. "You're a spirit user? RETREAT!" The thugs ran past her, and into the street where they ran away.

As they ran past, Puck said, "That's right, run away. If you do anything to her, I'll haunt you and your kin forever!" After a slight pause, he added, "Not that there'll be anyone to haunt if I get my hands on you."

This exchange left you and Subaru in a state of amazement.

Of course, you already know about Emilia and Puck's powers, but that didn't mean that you were immune to reacting when you saw pure awesomeness. As for Subaru, his mind was probably blown.

Speaking of Subaru, he was the first one to talk. "Wow. You saved us, thank you!" He had a wide grin on his face, and you couldn't help but let a little grin of your own escape your mouth.

"Wait! Did you steal my stuff?" Emilia somehow made eye contact with both of you, and you both broke it. 

"A-ha! You looked away because you have a guilty conscience. Looks like I am still an excellent judge of character! Now, give me back my thing."

You sighed. Emilia was too ignorant to realize that she, an attractive female, made direct eye contact with two males, which will make them nervous and break contact. Seriously, what kind of guy has the nerve to stare at a cute girl that he just met?

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