The Augria Sand Dunes (Part 1)

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Roswaal pulled some strings to have a dragon carriage suited for traveling through the Augria Sand Dunes delivered to Miload Manor in time for departure, and you hated to admit it, but this was actually a great move on his part.

The new carriage that currently rested on the driveway was a beefed-up version of a normal dragon carriage. It had wider wheels to enable it to traverse over sand, and its cabin looked like it could hold twice as much as an average one.

In addition, he somehow had desert-travelling attire prepared for everybody, although not everybody had a perfect fit. You were wearing yours now, and although you appreciated the color, it was admittedly a little small, not that it really mattered.

'I cannot decide whether I should be galled by the clown's preparation for my teleportation to fail in any measure or whether I should be pleased that the tool is working efficiently,' Omega remarked to you telepathically.

'Why not both?'

You heard Omega audibly chuckle, and at the same time, Ram opened the main doors to the manor, which faced the driveway. Out of the group going to the Watchtower, her attire seemed to stand out the most because the green cloak she adorned was a heavy contrast to her hair and the maid outfit that she always wore. In fact, this was probably the first time you saw any of Roswaal's maids wear something other than their uniforms.

Held by Ram's hands was a wheelchair with a comatose Rem in it, and although it was more than a few strides away, you quickly made your way towards the twins.

Ram stared at you blankly as the crunch of the gravel under your feet somehow made this moment awkward as she waited for you to arrive. When you finally got there, you asked, "Hey Ram, do you need any help getting Rem down these stairs? They're not exactly wheelchair accessible."

The pink-haired twin sighed. "I expected more of you, although the fact that I expected anything surprises me." As you watched, she expertly maneuvered Rem down the stairs without a hitch.

"Ah, I totally forgot," you mentioned, "you've been doing this for a while, so I guess you've figured out stairs by now."

Ram clicked her tongue. "You make it sound as if stairs pose a challenge to me. How condescending of you, (Y/N)."

You couldn't tell if Ram was joking or not, but you didn't let another one of her typical snide comments bother you. If anything, it would bother you more if she suddenly became nice and polite.

So, in turn, you playfully retorted with, "You know what they say; the more you hang around people, the more you start to act like them."

Ram turned her head slightly, and you saw the hint of a smirk across her cheek. This was her way of saying 'touché' and you saw this as a win, since it looked like the trip was about to start with the maid not being angry at you.

The mood flipped around and turned sour immediately as Roswaal strode out of the mansion doors and stood next to you.

"Sooooo, will you be sitting next to Omega-san today~?" the grown man in clown makeup asked. The way he asked this sounded like he was teasing you, but there was also a hint of something else. It almost sounded as if he thought that he was better than you because he knew something that you didn't.

Yeah... Roswaal was trying to covertly flaunt his superiority over you, but he had no way of knowing how far behind the truth he actually was.

You said nothing in order to keep Roswaal from getting any satisfaction from provoking you, and as you looked away from him, your thoughts turned towards Ram's even more limited knowledge about Omega.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now