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To have a higher chance of finding someone that can identify the thief, you split into groups. Subaru went with Emilia and Puck while you stayed with Reinhard.

You all agreed to meet back at the alley after 1 hour, and then Subaru and company left.

The first thing that you did was describe Felt to Reinhard so that he would be able to ask other people about her.

"Well, she was short. The top of her head probably comes to the base of my neck." You put your hand up to your neck to demonstrate.

"Her hair is blonde, but I didn't get a good look of her eyes." You paused, and tried to think about what else to say. "I also noticed that she was able to move in a way that if nimbler than a normal person, so she probably uses some ability to run away." 

With this, Rienhard nodded. "I appreciate the information. Is there anything else that you noticed?"

You think, and then reply, "No. That's all that I can think of currently. I'll let you know if anything else pops into my head." 

He nodded again. "Thank you, (Y/N). Since I now know what you know, let's start asking around about this girl."


You wished that you could come up with something cooler to say, but you came up short. Because of this, an awkward silence started between the two of you. 

It was only broken when Reinhard spotted a semi-busy street. "Let's go over there. I'll take the left side, and you take the right." Without hesitating, he walked towards the left side of the street.

You go to the right, and start asking people if they know anybody that fits Felt's description.

Time Skip

You sighed. Nobody had recognized Felt's description, and the hour was almost up. Reinhard noticed this, and says, "Don't lose hope yet (Y/N), maybe Lady Emilia and Subaru managed to get some information."

He patted you on the back, and started making his way back to the alley.

Since you had been interrogating people around the city, you had actually gone quite far from the meeting place. It took a whole 12 minutes to walk back.

When you got there, you saw Subaru waiting impatiently. "It's about time you got back, (Y/N)! We've been waiting for almost half an hour now!" He smirked.

Subaru, unlike you, already had a plan in mind. He had slowly directed his group toward the place that the lost little girl would be.  Sure enough, she was standing there, and Subaru and Emilia were quick to reunite her with her mother and then go to the Appa vendor to find out about Felt.

"Subaru, don't be mean!" Emilia playfully punched him, which evoked an amused expression from you and Puck.

It looks like those two are getting along really good. I wonder what happened while we were separated.

"I assume that, since you were back so early, you were able to identify the thief?" Reinhard questioned.

"That's right. Her name is Felt, and she lives in the slums. That's all we've got, but it should be enough!" Subaru looked enthusiastic, and after he said this, he pumped his fist.

His display of excitement riled some of the others up.

"Yeah! Let's go to the slums and get Lia's insignia back!" Puck did a little flip in the air, which made you and Reinhard smile.

"Why not, we've got no time to lose!" Reinhard exclaimed. You look around, and everyone seems to be in good spirits now. 

I hope that things will stay like this for a while. Just a little cheer goes a long way, but life always seems to find a way to extinguish it.

Re:Zero Male InsertUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum