Start from the beginning

As I thought about my circumstances, I realized that Drakonia was my true destiny, not Konica or a life of the cabin with my godmother. My destiny lay in training to become better, not in the confines of that cramped cabin.

The door that had mysteriously opened on the day I fled the cabin was not a random event but a manifestation of destiny. It was fated for me to leave the cabin that day, destined to cross paths with the Dragon King and eventually become his wife. I had fought against it with all my might, but there was no running from it any longer. This was who I was meant to be, and the suffering of humanity had gone on for far too long.

My immediate priority must be to secure victory in the duel against Lyra, for without victory, I may not live long enough to fulfill my current destiny. I acknowledge that Lyra was a challenge, yet I am also aware that she is nothing in comparison to the trials I have already overcome and those that lie ahead.

I have my doubts that just two days of intensive training will make give me the same level of skill and strength as Lyra.

Nevertheless, I must remind myself that I am the Empyrean Vedan Queen, and I possess a potential for greatness that surpasses all obstacles.


"What did you say?" I demanded, my grip on the witch's neck tightening as I carried her up using her neck, my glare raging with fury. Despite my obvious weakness and sickness, I still have enough energy to inflict pain on this woman if necessary.

"You withheld vital information," she choked out, struggling for breath in my grasp. "Had you disclosed the true owner of this child, I could have offered a more helpful solution."

"You are utterly useless," I hissed, throwing her forcefully against the wall, my face filled with anger. I was so ill as I fought to stay on my feet, coughing blood into my hands. This illness had been going on since I consumed that accursed witcher's potion, and now, after this shocking revelation, I was on the verge of ending her life.

The witch struggled to stand, her face filled with fear. She knew well how dangerous and ruthless I could be when provoked, which only heightened her anxiety. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end your life right now?"

"Because I genuinely didn't see it turning out like this," she said, her voice quivering as she tried to explain herself. However, my anger clouded my judgment.

"I said a valid reason!" I snapped, withdrawing my sword and preparing to strike. She clasped her hands together, pleading as she spoke.

"I can help remove your suffering, but I can't remove the child. I lack the power, especially for a child like this within your womb," her voice trembled even more as she continued, "The elixir I gave you wasn't intended to make you sick; it was meant to terminate the pregnancy. But you neglected to inform me that the child belongs to the Dragon King. I don't possess the ability to rid you of a child with such immense power, especially one tied to him from the womb. No one does, unless you're willing to seek aid from someone with divine powers."

"How can you be so utterly useless!" I shouted, my frustration boiling over as I snatched one of the antiques from her store and hurled it against the wall. "How dare you tell me that there's nothing you or anyone can do about this child inside me? How dare you?"

"I swear, Grand General, I only gave you that potion because I believed the child within you was like any other normal child," she gasped, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "The Dragon King is a demigod, with powers equal to those of other gods. You can't expect me to possess the ability to remove a child belonging to him. I lack the power, and only a divine spirit could do so, someone with divine powers, not me."

I paused, deep in thought, then tightened my grip around my sword. "Divine powers," I mused aloud, before continuing, "Someone like an Empyrean Queen, or perhaps someone close to her?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it," the witch said, her words rushed. "Unfortunately, the Empyrean Vedan Queen has long since passed, but someone of her power should be capable of such a feat, not a humble witch like me."

I pondered the predicament. Even if the queen still possessed her powers, how could I persuade her to help me and keep it a secret? Why did it seem nearly impossible to rid oneself of a child, especially one sired by the Dragon King?

"Prepare the potion to ease my suffering," I ordered, striding toward her and gripping her by the neck. "If I were to die, I'd return and ensure I consume you, although I doubt you'd make for a delightful meal."

"With that entity growing inside you, even death trembles before you," she managed to say. "You can't even die if you wished, not until you've given birth to that child."

"Arghhhh!" I exclaimed in exasperation, releasing my grip on her neck and delivering a powerful blow to the wall, creating a hole. The witch quickly scurried away to prepare the potion to ease my suffering.

The witch claimed she lacked the power to rid me of this child, and even the queen couldn't, especially now when she was without her powers. But even if she could help, how could I broach the subject with her? How could I confess that I carried a child belonging to her husband? How should I navigate this impossible situation? I felt trapped. I didn't want this child – not a child born out of wedlock, not one who would never be accepted by the people. I had spent my life as an outcast, never truly belonging anywhere, always facing rejection. I understood the pain of such a life, and I refused to subject my child to the same fate. I had already failed one child, and I couldn't bear to fail another.

What divine being with the power to help is within reach besides the queen? Who exactly will do this task for me? This feels like a situation without hope. I can't even choose to end my own life now, all because of this child? What am I supposed to do?

I teetered on the edge of tears, struggling to contain my emotions. Then, finally, a thought broke through. A realization. If the queen is unable to assist due to her current weakness and the absence of her full magical abilities, there is someone else with the power for this task. Someone nearly as potent as the queen, with a darker, more cunning nature.

If the queen cannot help, then this individual can.

I just have to locate her and negotiate with her.

I must find Sapphire...

ROYAL DARKNESS (MASKED)(18+)Where stories live. Discover now