The Hospital Wing

Start from the beginning

"Great, so I'm bed bound," said Alya.

"Yes, yes you are," said Pomfrey. "It's a good job its the weekend,"

"Yep, great job," sighed Alya. "Thank you, I'm sorry,"

"I know," said Pomfrey. "You've been through something incrediby traumatic, I'm sorry this happened to you,"

"Thank you," said Alya. "Can I get into Dray's bed? I need to stay with him,"

"You're not really supposed to," said Pomfrey. "But go on then, as long as you get some rest. I can see how much you love him,"

"Here, doll, let me," said Tom, picking her up.

"Tommy, I can walk," chuckled Alya.

"No you can't, not for 36 hours," he said.

"Whatever," laughed Alya. "Actually, can you take me to Zo quickly, please?"

"Of course, darling," said Tom, kissing her cheek and putting her down next to Enzo, whose arms were open waiting for her.

"Hey angel face," smiled Enzo. "Are you okay?"

"Are you?" asked Alya.

"I'm fine, stop deflecting," said Enzo.

"I'll be fine once Dray's awake," said Alya. "I just need him to wake up now,"

"I know, me too," said Enzo. "And he will, okay? Soon,"

"I know," said Alya, "Shit, dad, you better visit Cissa,"

"I'm going to, as soon as I know you're okay," said Snape.

"I'm fine dad, I promise," said Alya. "I'm in the hospital wing with Madam Pomfrey, and everyone is here. I know no one is going to leave anytime soon, so I won't be on my own. You need to go and get Cissa. Shit, what about Star?"

"She'll have to bring her," said Snape. "Don't worry, I'll inform Dumbledore,"

"She can sleep in our bed," said Alya. "What even is the time?"

"2am," said Snape.

"Shit," said Alya. "Yeah she can go in our bed,"

"I'll sit with her," said Pansy. "So she doesn't wake up confused and alone,"

"Thank you, Pansy," smiled Tom.

"Don't mention it," smiled Pansy.

"I'll tell Dumbledore to tell the staff not to send anyone in here unless it's a proper emergency," said Pomfrey. "None of these stupid paper cuts that I mostly see in here. That way you'll all have privacy, and you can bring Star in here if you'd prefer,"

"That's amazing, thank you," smiled Mattheo.

"Yes, thank you, Poppy," smiled Snape. "I'll be off then. I won't be long, I love you, Ally,"

"I love you, dad," smiled Alya, as he apparated away.

Alya hugged Enzo for a little while, as Madam Pomfrey poured her a cup of water. She drank it slowly, barely taking her eyes off of Draco. Theo, Blaise and Pansy were sitting in the chairs around his bed, talking amongst themselves. Mattheo and Tom were sitting in the chairs next to Enzo's bed and they were talking amongst themselves.

Alya gave Enzo one last big hug and a kiss on the cheek as she finished her cup of water and asked Tom to carry her back over to Draco's bed. She lifted his head gently and put it on her chest, like they would do if they were in their own bed. She asked Madam Pomfrey for a rag to clean the blood from Draco's nose, and did that gently. Once she was done, she held one of his hands and cuddled him.

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