The Black Lake - Part One

Start from the beginning

"Is it?" Alya asked.

"This is amazing, doll," smiled Tom, hugging her.

"There aren't many people who have these," said Draco, also hugging her. "They're huge awards, Ally,"

"Oh great, even more recognition I don't need," snapped Alya. "I wish people would just fucking leave me alone! I don't want to be noticed everywhere I go, I'm sick of it!"

"Woah, okay," said Draco, walking back over to the sofa. "Sit your pretty, moody ass down and eat this,"

He handed her a plate of food that he'd brought up from lunch. Alya smiled at him in appreciation and took the plate from him, sitting down on the sofa and eating it.

"Thanks, Dray," smiled Alya. "Sorry, I guess I was just hangry,"

"I knew you would be," chuckled Draco. "That's why I did it,"

"I'm not surprised though," chuckled Theo. "You missed breakfast thanks to Weasley, and you missed lunch,"

"And was then bombarded with reporters and a bloody bravery award," said Alya. "I already know there's going to be pictures in the Prophet tomorrow, meaning people are going to start being even more nosey about my life which is exactly what I didn't want,"

"You're just too amazing, Ally," said Blaise. "Of course people are going to be nosey, everyone wants to either be you or be friends with you,"

"Apart from those idiot Ravenclaws and HufflePuffs," chuckled Alya. "They hate me because of their friends, which I don't blame them for. Actually, I'm quite thankful that some people hate me. It's exhausting having people constantly staring and asking questions,"

"Which is why we always tell them to mind their business," said Tom. "But Blaise is right, you're a goddess, Ally. People are always going to want to be all up in your business, especially when you're as incredible as you,"

"Aw, thanks guys," smiled Alya.

She finished her food and went to take the trophy up to her dorm. She decided to get changed as she had no more lessons for the rest of the day, so she pulled off her robes, tie and shirt. She heard the door open and felt hands on her waist, so she spun around quickly. She saw a head with platinum blonde hair attached to her and realised that it was only Draco.

"God, Dray, don't do that!" exclaimed Alya. "You scared me,"

"Sorry my love," chuckled Draco. "I just missed you,"

"You just saw me," laughed Alya. "I was only getting changed,"

"I know, but I'm used to spending the night with you," said Draco. "Now I have to share you all the time, it's infuriating,"

"Aw baby," giggled Alya, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his head. "I love you,"

"I love you too, my girl," smiled Draco, kissing her lips gently. "God you make me weak,"

"I haven't done anything," chuckled Alya.

"You don't need to," smirked Draco. "You're just so unreal,"

"You're better," smirked Alya, kissing him and playing with his hair.

"I most definitely am not," chuckled Draco.

"Whatever," giggled Alya. "You're going to have to let me go, I need to get dressed,"

"5 more minutes," said Draco, burying his head in her chest.

"Fine," giggled Alya, kissing his forehead. "You can get out of these robes too, there's no need for them," she said, pulling his robe off of him and undoing his tie. She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him, smirking at his abs as she did this.

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