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I woke up due to hearing Nova hissing

* Misstress is still asleep Hades.... we have to wait for her to wake up.*

* But I'm hungry Nova.....perhaps a bite of one of Misstress's tarts?* Hades hissed back and slithered on to me and got close to my tarts.

"No, can get sick,"

I said as I opened my eyes and looked around. It saw Nova on the ground in a slight ball curled up and Hades on my lap, trying to bite the tarts.

* Misstress! You're awake.....sorry I got hungry.* Hades apologized and slithered back on the ground and curled up next to Nova.

"That's alright, Hades....hold on, I'll ring the button." I said as I tuned over and pressed the red button.

After a couple of minutes, the same worker from before came and asked what I would like.

"Can you get me Hades and Nova's food from my green suit case, please?" I said, looking at him.

"Of course, ma'am," he left again and returned with two small cases of snake food than left.

"Here Nova...Hades come eat." As I set their food bowls down and they went to it right away and ate.

I looked at the book shelf and pulled out a random book, and began reading it for a couple hours as Hades and Nova played together.

3 hours later ~

As I looked up from my boo I was reading I saw we had entered a very luxurious station as I heard the door open and the worker from before said

"Ma'am we are here,  you're at Svetlana Academy, this is where you get off now." He said in a polite tone.

"Okay , let me get my suit cases then." I spoke as Nova and Hades slithered on to my body

"Uh...oh , there's no need. Everything will be taken care of you. Just go outside and find your instructor." He said as I shrugged and began walking to one of the exits and found a woman waiting for me.

She had long black hair and dark blue eyes as she looked at me and smiled.

"Hello! my name is Estrella. You must be Y/n Potter, yes? I'm your instructor for the day."

She said kindly as she held out her hand to shake.

"Hello....yes, that's right,I'm y/n Potter nice to meet you." As I shook her hand.

Nova hissed * Misstress....I'm getting a bad feeling from this woman*

Hades then tried snapping at her, causing her to back away quickly as both Hades and Nova became protective of me.

" more of that." I said in English as I petted them both as they watched Estrella.

"Sorry about them...their quite protective of me." I apologized and looked at her as she glared at Nova and Hades than looked at me with. Smile quickly.

"It's fine...come along now." She said as she walked away.

Me and Estrella walked towards a black car as we entered it and sat down. I noticed there were a couple of men in there as well.

Instantly, they all looked as me, as Estrella sat farther away from me and stared at Nova and Hades before whispering to one of the men.

"Y/n pleased I am to meet you. I do hope the train ride was to your liking...I'm  Professor Zeal. I will be teaching your mathematics at Svetlana Academy."

Professor Zeal said as I nodded my head, agreeing to him.

As the car was driving, I looked out the window, and then Hades snapped again as one of the men got a bit too close to me.

"Shhhhh....hades... be nice." I said in a whisper as he hissed.

*Misstress....they look at you like as if you're fresh meat or something." Than Nova hissed as well.

*Misstress....I think it's best to observe everything and everyone at Svetlana how we did at Hogwarts.* 

Nova said, looking at Hades as he nodded slightly.


I hummed quietly, so the men and woman sitting with me in the car wouldn't know anything as we continued to drive for a few more hours.

we made stops so I could get some snacks and go bathroom as i went back into the car with Estrella following me as I and her entered the car drove off again.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now