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"Psst!...Pssst! Y/n! Wake up, we're going to be late for class!" Ember said, pushing you a little bit.

"Alright,alright, I'll get up now," you said, getting up from your bed.

"Come on y/n we got to go!" Ember exclaimed, trying to make you rush.

"Okay,I'm coming," you said after you finished getting ready. And left the room with Ember,making your way to Transfiguration class.

As you headed for Transfiguration class, you saw the other slytherins in the hallway as well.

You passed by them with pansy Parkinson watching you with a scared look on her face,you then faked a smile at her and she ended up believing it was a real smile and just lightened up more and continued to talk with Malfoy.

As you made it to class, you picked a seat on the right side a bit farther away from other people, and Ember sat next to you.

After 15 minutes, the professor spoke once she entered the class.

"Transfiguration,as u may be weary of hearing me say,is an exact science that can take a lifetime to master.But we needn't be daunted. Almost anything can be transformed if you can just perceive the potential within it, as I see in all of you, tremendous witches and wizards every one of you. Or it could just be my eyesight."

The professor gave everyone a ball and told them to focus on trying to transform the ball in butterflies.

Soon, one by one, everyone got it, but the first one who got it done was you, and the professor came by and said, "Well done Ms. Potter 20 points to slytherin."

As you finished turning the ball into a butterfly earlier than everyone, Professor McGonagall let you leave early.

Since you had free time on your hands, you decided to explore hogwarts some more and found a wall which then turned into a door leading to a room.

Curious about it, you went inside and found it had a small living space with a wall filled with books of different classes.

As time passed quickly, you had to leave for your last class, and then you'd have to go back to your room to feed Nova again.

As soon as you entered, Nova came slithering up to you and asked for food.

"Alright, Alright, I'll feed you,don't worry, Nova." You begun to feed her snake bits and jumped on your bed after pulling out Salazar Slytherins' book of blood.

After learning more about Parseltongue,you decided it was time to set the book down but to continue reading it after classes as well as reading the new books at the weird place you found.

As you checked the time, you realized it was evening supper and left to the great hall after picking up Nova to bring her to eat some treats.

*Misstress....Nova loves soft tarts* Nova hissed quietly as she wiggled a bit.

"I'm glad you like them, Nova," you said in a whisper so no one could hear you talking with her.

After you both ate your meals,you got up and made sure Nova was safely tucked in and walked to your room to rest for the night after reading a book about Legilimency and what it does to another person.

4 months later~

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now