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As they got to the middle of London,Harry took out his letter and began reading what they would need.

You were thinking about Nova, she was getting bigger now instead of 15 inches she was a foot and a half and her scales were black and white with her eyes being blue with a bit of grey in them

Getting you out of your thoughts, you looked around until you noticed Hagrid took you both to a shop. It looked like a bar but soon turned to be much more.

"Ahh Hagrid the usual, I assume?" The bartender asked

"No' not today Tom I'm on official hogwarts business,I have to take harry and y/n here to get their stuff for school " Hagrid then looked that them and the bartender stopped looking shocked and finally answered

"Bless my soul,it's Harry and y/n Potter!" As soon as he finished saying that,everyone stopped and looked at what he was looking at, then people started to come up to you and Harry, shaking both of your hands and congratulating you's.

"H-Harry p-p-potter and Y-Y/n p-p-potter," a guy with a purple wrapping around his head said suddenly.

'Odd' you thought and just then the strange man looked at you then he got spooked when a black and white snake came out of hiding and everyone went quiet again then Nova hissed at the man and wrapped herself around you protectively.

"Sorry about that," you said with a smile and had your hand out for him to shake
But he didn't and just backed away

"Eh..this here is the professor for defense against the dark arts at hogwarts, Professor Quirrell. " Hagrid said cheerfully

"N-Not t-that y-you'll ever need i-it eh P-P-Potters," Quirrell said, looking disturbed

You observed him a bit more and then looked into his eyes and saw a little red, but it disappeared instantly.

Then Nova hissed again, sensing your emotions and almost snapped at the professor,making him back up some more and just staring at you suspiciously.

"Well we better be off now" Hagrid said and they left through the back where Hagrid tapped on a certain block 3 times and it opened up showing a lot of strange buildings and people who were wearing witch hats and other Strange clothes.

"How are we going to buy all this stuff?" Harry asked Hagrid, "gringotts Wizardry Bank, of course,the safest and most secure place out there next to hogwarts."

All three of them went to gringotts bank got money, but for an odd reason,Harry and you were given a bank each for yourself's.

They both had piles of money from their parents, and just to be sure, you asked for a chest of money to be taken out for any other spending.

As all three of them finished at the bank, they went to go get their stuff, but as curious as you were, you asked to go get your stuff alone and that you'll be okay.

An hour passed and all you needed was your wand,so you went looking for a place called ollivanders shop.

Once you found the shop you went inside
" Hello, is anyone here?" You yelled out to see know one around "helloooo!?"

Then suddenly a man came around  and spoke to her. "Ahh...I've been waiting for you Ms.Potter...your brother came her earlier. I reckon they might be getting an owl shouldn't take long, " he said

"Now Ms.Potter come over here and I'll set you up with your wand....shall we? " As he pointed to a measurement stand and he measured her a bit.

He handed you 2 wands, and each of them made a mess in the store. "Hmm... that's not it at all." Ollivander said,"he thought for a moment, then asked what you wished to become later in life, and you replied

"I want to become the greatest witch ever." Just then, Nova showed herself to Mr.Ollivander, and he took a deep breath in and out, and then he thought and went to the back.

Nova hissed . Misstress back at the place,I sensed another speaker*

"Another? U mean my brother?" You asked  Nova, confused in which she shook her head no

You thought about it, then decided to let it pass and told Nova to let this pass and be on the lookout

*Very well, Misstress,but since we are here perhaps a snack?* Nova hissed lightly

"Very well,after I get my wand okay," you said, and just as Nova went back into hiding. Mr.Ollivander came and handed you another wand.

"13 and half inches,Dragon core mixed with a Phoenix feather that was in love with another Phoenix at that time. Wood is Elder Wood......Can it be..." Ollivander said to himself and then gave it to you to try as you touched the wand and waved it. A warm, soft feeling was felt throughout your body.

As you gave the wand back, Mr.Ollivander told you "the wand chooses the wizard...I believe you'll do great things just like it's lover" then he went to the back after you finished paying for it

'What was that about?" You thought then you left to go find Hagrid and Harry, who had an owl

"Oh there yer are,harry has his owl now you need one too,come along now" Hagrid said and went into a shop with you, as you looked around you spotted a beautiful black and white long eared owl.

"I want this one," you pointed at, and Hagrid grabbed it, then went to the front, and they paid for it.

As both twins got all their stuff, Hagrid took them to get clothes for school and other things that may come in handy.

You bought a few books about dark arts and potions and then got an enchanting small pouch bag. It could fit anything inside, and then Hagrid took you both through London to explore a bit.

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