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A few days passed as I was able to leave the hospital with Molly and Aurthur.

Since then, I stayed at the weasley's house for a while,as Molly thought it was time for me to go back to school.

"Alright y/n, do you have everything packed?"

Molly asked as she came downstairs with my school supplies.

"Yes, and thank you, Molly, for letting me stay here with you."

I said as I grabbed my luggage and brought it outside where Aurthur was waiting.

"Oh no worries dear,I'll have Aurthur drive you to hogwarts. Do be careful, dear. I don't want you getting hurt anymore."

Molly said as she followed you outside and waved her wave to get everything into the car.

"Molly, yes, she'll have to be careful, especially this year....It's the tournament, and hogwarts is included."

Aurthur said, looking towards Molly and he we to place a kiss on her cheek as we both got into the car.

"What do you mean tournament?" I asked as Aurthur spoke."There's a tournament held by a school, and 2 other schools will attend....I'm sure Dumbledore will tell you all about it. For now, just relax."

'A tournament...that sounds...fun?'

I thought to myself as I got comfortable in the front seat and slowly fell asleep.


Soft, warm, yet cold hands were felt as they rubbed your arms up and down, slowly embracing you.

"Mother..?" you said as she saw nothing while trying to open your eyes.


A soft yet cold voice whispered gently from behind.


"...your not my mother...."

I said as i looked behind myself to see a man who had dark black hair and beautiful red-blue-ish eyes. He seemed to be in his twenty's or thirties as he also wore a black suit.

"..y/n.....you didn't think I'll let you do whatever you wanted now, did you? I let you live fifteen years ago....had I thought otherwise, you would already be dead."

The man said as I stared at him, trying to figure out why he seemed familiar.


I asked as my eyes widened, and my facial expression turned to something rather... shocked or horrified.

"Yes..y/n..it's me, Tom Marvolo Riddle. I'm not the sixteen year old boy anymore,I'm me, myself as I was when I killed your pathetic muggle born mother and a waste of a wizard father."

Tom said harshly as the background suddenly changed into a giant mansion.

"What do you want.?" I asked as he furrowed his eyebrows and observed me.

" Nothing......yet," He said as he turned around, walking towards the front doors to the mansions.

"Come, follow me." Tom said as I watched him walk and then stop turning back towards me.

"And if I refuse?"

As soon as I said that, I felt my body hit the ground as pain went through it.

Blood suddenly started coming from my mouth and ears as I tried to ease the pain, but it was no use.

It felt like my body was on fire....or feeling like gravity was ten time's stronger than usual, feeling like I was being crushed or something electric was shocking my body as it was both being life on fire and crushed.

Then it stopped,feeling like I was able to breathe again,I looked slightly upwards as my body hurt to move.

"You will listen to what I say, do you understand y/n. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now, do we?. "

Tom said as he walked over to me as I lay on the ground, trying to catch my breath and breathe properly.

Feeling myself getting picked up in a bridal style, Tom observed what he did to me slightly smirking and whispered into my ear.

" If you ever disobey me again....your punishment will be far worse."

Tom said as he carried me into the mansion and set me down on a couch after a bit of walking.

Tom got up and left and came back a little while later.

'My throat hurts,' I thought to myself as Tom came back with a cup and gave it to me.

"Drink....it'll help you speak."

I drank the whole cup of what appeared to be tea. As I finished drinking it, Tom sat down on a couch away from me as he finally spoke again.

"...y/n.....I don't know what to do with you...I could torture you and kill you afterward, but....where's the fun in that? No,I need someone who understands what being the strongest means....you have a goal....just like mine, not to mention you have the lover wand to mine...it's only right for you to become my lady."

Tom said as he adjusted his seating position and sat with one of his legs over the other.

"You want me to become your lady because of some dream of yours? Or....a goal we both wish to have."

"Yes, but.....now that I think of it...perhaps Bellatrix lestrange would be better suited for that position...she isn't a girl after all.."

Tom said, staring at you ,as you looked away with no emotion visible,yet Deep within you thought to youself.

'Bellatrix Lestrange? That psycho bitch that's locked up in Azkaban?!....wait...why do I feel so mad....he's a grown man...I'm only a teenager...I'll go my own way then.'

Than tom got up from the couch and started walking away as you watched him walk to a photo that had a picture of all the people who served him.

You got up and walked to where he was and a certain picture caught your attention.

It was Bellatrix and she was a bit too close to tom as he looked at her, as the picture moved a bit, you caught a small sight of her and his hand conjoined together.

'Why does this photo piss me off.....There's other men who's better for me just like professor Av-'

I stopped and looked up at Tom as he looked away and walked to a snake on the ground that slithered towards him.

I watched them interact for a bit,as  I thought about my snakes.

'Hades....Nova...'  Than it hit me.

'None of this is real...Tom is dead..'

"You're not real..." I spoke as Tom turned towards me and glared.

Suddenly, his snake hissed and quickly came at me as I closed my eyes to not see it attack.

I jolted awake to see that i was still in the car with Aurthur weasley.

'It was just a dream...? Why did it feel so real? Do....I like...tom and Avery now? No... don't be silly, y/n, it was just a dream..'

I thought as I looked around at my surroundings to see Nova and Hades sleeping together in the back seat.

'Thank goodness you're both here,' I whispered softly as Aurthur was still driving, minding his own business.

As I turned my head, i saw hogwarts as we came down from the clouds.

'Finally....I'm home,' I said as I got out of the car after we landed safely.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now