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As I and Mr.Weasley got out of the car.

A few elves came and took my luggage away to my assigned room.

Nova and Hades followed me as I entered hogwarts and went to the bathroom to change into my robes quickly.

After I changed into my robes, I walked down to the great hall where I spotted Harry and his friends sitting down at Gryffindore's table.

I walked towards the Slytherin table after I greeted Harry, Hermione, and weasley's.

Just before I sat down, I noticed Pansy and Ember had gotten a bit too close to draco for my liking.

As I sat down, the Slytherins stopped and looked over at me.

"What? Don't stare it's rude, you annoying pests."

I said as they all looked away except for draco, who smirked, looking at me and turning his head when Pansy tapped his shoulder.

Just as Professor Dumbledore was about to speak, he spoke about having another professor.

"Now that we're all here, I-"

Just as Dumbledore was about to speak, the floating sky at the ceiling of the great hall turned into a storm and caused the students to panic.

As it got worse,it stopped when a man with a weird looking eye appeared next to Snape and did a spell at the sky to calm it down.


"I would like to introduce you all to our newest professors, Professor Avery and Professor Mad-eye-moody. They will be teaching Defense Against The Dark Arts along each on a different subject."

Dumbledore said as he added.

"Now that everything is said,this castle will not only be your home this year,but home to some very special guests as well. this year we have been chosen...

As Dumbledore spoke, filch came running into the hall and ran up to Dumbledore, whispering something into his ear.

"So,hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the triwizard tournament.now, for those of you who do not know the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete."

"Now....let me be clear,if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime. "

After Dumbledore spoke the door to the great hall , he revealed Girls wearing light blue skirt outfits as they walked in with elegance and used magic to make butterflies appear.

All the boys instantly got attracted to them as some of them got up to watch them as I heard Ron speak to Harry.

"Bloody hell."

'Pathetic,' I said to myself as I watched them all faw over the girls.

After the girls went to the front with their headmistress, they sat down on the ravenclaw's side.

"And now for our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff."

Dumbledore spoke as the doors opened again, but this time revealing a group of boys wearing fluffy coats and hats as they performed magic with staff and fire.

As I looked over to see the next group, I saw Victor Krum walking alongside his Headmaster,than I heard the girls fawning and whispers begun.

"Look! Look!"

"It's Victor Krum!"

As he walked in, he looked to the left side to see the girls and caught eye contact with one of the girls.
'Someone's lucky'

I said to myself as I saw another boy who had black hair and beautiful blue eyes with a scar trailing down his left eye, turning slightly to the middle of his cheekbone.

I couldn't help but stare as he caught eye contact with me, and we held it until I broke it to look away.

'He's hot....who am I kidding....they all are.' I thought as I looked up to see Professor Avery,Snape and Mad eye looking towards me.

'Great, I held eye contact with a boy around my age, and you stared at me.'

I thought as Professor Avery started trying to fight back a smile while looking at me.

As Snape and Mad eye looked over to harry,as Dumbledore spoke again, talking about how those under the age of seventeen were forbidden to enter.

As the drumstrang boys came and at that the Slytherin table.

The boy I caught eye contact with came and sat down next to me, as I tried to ignore him, but he spoke softly with a

"...Vello....vi am..Ivan Novikov..."

He spoke softly as his Russian accent made it seem like he was cold.

I turned to him as he looked away quickly with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Hello....I'm y/n Potter," I spoke, looking at him as he looked back at me as he spoke straight forward.

"..Verutiful...vhy are you not vith thee other lady's over there?" He said as he pointed to the Beauxbatons Academy girls.

"Um....because I go to this school, but I did use to go to Svetlana Academy until I got transferred here." I said, looking at his blue eyes.

"Svetlana?.....thee school vhere only thee best students who can surpuse others in their vlasses Attend?." Ivan spoke as he stared at me.

"Surpuse?...do you mean surpass?" I asked as I felt eyes watching me.

"Ves...vut vhy has you transfverred? Vas it too hard vor you?"

"No no no no no....the classes were easy there,I just transferred because they thought it would be best to have classes over here, I guess."

"Ohh...I see... vow old are you, vis.potter?" Ivan asked as I answered right after.

"I'm fifteen... but please call my y/n." I said softly and turned to see Dumbledore speaking about the cup.

"Ahhh....I see, vi hope to see you around y/n..." Ivan said as he too turned towards the headmaster and listened.

'He's breath takingly hot'

I thought as I looked at looked at him for a bit and watched Dumbledore as he made the triwizard cup appear.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now