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"Y/n..." a girl's voice said

"Psst.. Come on, get up!" The voice said again as I opened my eyes to it was hermione.

"Alright, alright, I'm up," I said to her as I got up from the little bed I made on the ground.

I changed into comfortable clothes that were all black and went out of the shared bedroom with hermione and Ginny.

As I made my way downstairs, Mr.Weasley was there, and he asked that I pack everything up that was mine.

I packed my clothes again and left the room to see hermione heading towards the boy's shared room to wake them up.

We all left the odd looking building we used as a camp and headed towards a place. Mr.Weasley said we were to meet up with someone.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked Ron, and Ron asked his father.

"Hey, dad! Where are we going?!"
Ron shouted as Mr.Weasley shouted back.

"Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" As Harry and Ron ran to keep up with the rest of us.

As we walked a bit further, another man's voice called out.

"Aurthur! It's about time, son!"

Mr.Weasley responded to the man who called him.

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start....This is Amos Diggory, with me at the ministry. " Mr.Weasley called out as he pointed to the man named Amos.

Suddenly, a boy with light brown fluffy hair jumped down from the tree.

"This strapping young man must be Cedric,am I right?" Mr.Weasley asked as the boy replied.

" yes sir...this way" Cedric said and pointed to follow his father.

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other as they than looked at you, as you looked away, blushing a bit and looking back at them, all three of you smiled at each other before continuing to walk.

"Merlin's must be Harry Potter... where is your sister?" Amos asked as Harry pointed at you walked away with hermione and ginny.

"Uh.. she's over there walking with the rest of the girls." Harry told him

"Great..Great pleasure to meet you and your sister." Amos said and shaked Harry's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir." Harry replied and continued to walk with Harry.

We walked for a while until we reached a small hill and walked it up. As we reached the top, we saw a random boot and went to stand around the boot.

"Why are we all standing around the manky old boot?"

Harry asked as one of the twins answered his question.

"That's isn't just any manky old boot,mate. It's a portkey."
The twins said together,as amos spoke again. "Time to go!"

"What's a portkey?" Harry asked as everyone touched the boot.

"Ready! On three! One! Two!..."

Just before Amos yelled three, Mr.Weasley called Harry so he could put his hand on the boot.

"Three!" Amos yelled as we all started spinning as everything became blurry, and Hermione and Harry screamed.

"LET GO KIDS!" Amos yelled as me and Hermione spoke "WHAT!?"

"LET GO!" Amos yelled again as all of us let out the boot and began falling.
Me,Hermione, and ginny screamed as we were falling to the ground. As we hit the ground, I ended up falling near the top of the hill but began rolling down it.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora