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Hissing was heard throughout my shared room with Ember,it was Nova sharing her food with Hades.

*Here you have some now nova* hades hissed at her as she started eating.

"Hades,Nova, I'm heading to class,I have Herbology now. See you when I get back." You, as you left your dorm and head to class.

Herbology was located near the hufflepuff common room. As I walked up the steps to the green house, I was met with Draco, who was walking in with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I haven't seen you since Diagon Ally." Draco said, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, I know,I've been busy with things. By the way, do you have any books that are interesting, at least?"

"I'm not sure I'll ask mother or father they'll know,but mostly father he spends a lot of time in the library. I'll see what I can do."  Draco said in a pleasant mood

As we entered the greenhouse, Draco and I stood next to each other and waited until the professor came to start the morning class.

"Good morning, everyone!" The professor said, coming out, and no one seemed to have heard her,that or they were ignoring her on purpose.

"GOODMORNING EVERYONE!" She said louder as she tapped on a garden pot, and everyone replied saying "Goodmorning professor sprout. "

" Welcome to Greenhouse Tree,second year's, now gather around everyone. Today, we're going to re-pot Mandrakes,who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake root.?"

Professor sprout asked as Hermione put her hand up fast, and you put yours up after but only a bit.

"Yes,Ms.Potter " Professor sprouted Hermione's raised hand.

"Mandrake or Mandagora is used to return those who've been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous that Mandrakes cries can be fatal to anyone who hears it." I said softly and turned to Hermione as she glared at me.

"Excellent 10 points to slytheirn," Professor sprout said and continued on with her lesson.

" As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours. This is why I have given you all earmuffs for auditory protection. So you can put them on right away. Quickly, " Professor said as she got her mandrake ready.

" Flaps tight down,and watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrakes firmly,you'll pull it sharply up! " She said as she pulled her mandrake up, and it screamed, causing everyone to wince

" Got it, now dunk it back into the new pot and cover it with soil to keep it warm." Just as she finished talking, one of the Gryffindore's fell down.

"Ugh, longbotttom's been neglecting his earmuffs." She said as another student spoke

"No, ma'am,he's just fainted,"

"Yes,well, just leave him there...right, on we go. Grasp your drake and pull it up!" As she spoke, everyone grabbed a mandrake pot and a new pot , and they pulled them up from the soil.

As you pulled yours up and put it into the new pot, and covered it fully.

you looked to the left of you to see draco playing with his mandrake by putting his finger near its mouth, teasing it.

As he looked away to look at you, the mandrake bit his finger, and he struggled to get it back out before finally putting it back into the new pot and covering it fully.


As you finished your classes for the day,you found out that Harry and his friend were seen by a few muggle's and were put into detention for it.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now