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As I woke up from sleeping on the ground with Nova,I thought back to the dream as I felt oddly alright,yet something seemed off.

I got off of the ground and got ready to leave for Diagon Ally.

*Misstress...are you alright?* Nova hissed lightly

"I'm alright, nova,don't worry about me,come on where leaving soon." I said as I was finishing getting ready.


As Nova and I reached the old bar place that me,harry and Hagrid went to last year, I noticed it was slower than before.

Since no seemed to know I was there I walked to the back and tapped on the bricks '3 up 3 down' I thought trying to remember it correctly,just than the bricks started moving and Diagon Ally appeared.

I walked to different stores collecting my supplies as I reached Flourish and Blott's,I noticed a big lineup. Just as I entered, I spot Harry getting a picture taken with a blonde guy who wore all blue and white.

'Center of attention as always,' I thought as I went to the front to get my books,then headed straight outside.

But before I could something else caught my attention,it was a book that had  '𝓣𝓸𝓶 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓿𝓸𝓵𝓸 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 ' written in golden letters.

A man who was the same one I saw at the train station last year had it in his hand as the weasley's appeared, so did  Harry, but he looked scruffy a bit.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter! Famous Harry Potter can't even enter a book shop without making the front page." Draco appeared coming down the steps of the upper level of the store.

I stood near the door and watched as the two idiots were arguing again.

"Leave him alone," a girl with the same red hair said, standing next to Harry.

"Look, Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend," draco said, being cheeky until a cane tapped his should as the man who was at the station spoke. "Now now draco,play nicely." He spoke, making draco move to the side.

"Mister Potter... Lucius Malfoy,we meet at last." Lucius said as he pulled Harry towards him and looked at his scar.

They started to talk a bit more until lucius spoke, "When I thought your family could sink no lower." It was then I noticed he placed two books inside the redheaded girl's cauldron. One of them being the book that caught my attention before.

'Damn it...Now she gets to read the book before me' I thought than lucius turned and saw me.

"Miss.Potter,I didn't notice you there," he spoke with a much gentle tone.

As he said that, every turned towards me.

Then I thought,'Should I be mean to piss them off?....fuk it' I then looked over at them all, even lucius and draco.

"What! It's rude to stare at someone....who am I kidding? Peasants like yourself's will always stare." Everyone stopped, even the people at the front looked and watched.

I spoke rather harshly and gave them all a glare just, then Nova popped out and hissed at everyone,scaring them, and whispers began.

"You have a snake?....why? May I ask.." Lucius said rather than watching me suspiciously.

"What's it to you?" I spoke and observed him for a bit until..

*Misstress... they all seem to question you. Can I have a bite just one?*  Nova hissed as she turned towards me.

I looked at and shook my head no and lucius,and the weasley's caught it. Until I heard someone speak but not from their mouth.

"Is she talking with the snake?" As I turned towards where the voice came from, it was one of the twins.

So I spoke surprising the one who spoke,because I didn't know them that well.

"Yes.. I was speaking to her." I said in a whisper tone towards he and his brother

Then he looked at me with surprised eyes and looked at his twin.

"Although,it's a pleasure to meet you at last Mr.Malfoy...I've heard about you but...not alot" I said, tuning towards him.

"If you'll excuse me, I have places I need to go. Good day, sir." I turned and left the store heading towards an ally when I noticed people following me dressed in black.

"Can I help you? " I turned and asked as they stopped when Nova appeared again and hissed at them.

" N-no sorry forgive us miss," a woman spoke, I turned to enter a shop to get away and found it was rather gloomy and mysterious.

'Weird objects....strange...' I thought until I found a ring it was sliver and had a green stone in it. 

" That's 30 gallons, miss," a man said behind the counter.

"Hmm.....I'll take it." it was pretty, and it looked different from other rings.

As I came out of the shop with the ring on my finger, I patted Nova as She wanted scratches on her head and under it.

" do you think this year will go?" I asked her as she hissed back *I do not know, but perhaps we can adventure more this year?"

"Fine, but we must stay focused on our school work as well." I said and smiled at her as I started making my way home with the stuff I needed.

It was a good thing I brought my enchanted side bag. "Do u want another snack? Nova, " I asked as I was about to pass the pet store, I saw another snake that was the same size as Nova but looked to be black and grey.

*Misstress....let's get him!!* Nova hissed excitedly.

"Really? Hmm....alright, but you two must get alone." I said sternly and entered the shop.

*Misstress....listen*  I listened and heard the other snake hissed
* Of course, another person who'll walk by acting interested....humans are boring*

As I went in front of it and watched it, I spoke after it finished hissing.

"Lonely, aren't you? Would you like to come with me?" Just as I spoke to it,it lifted its head up and hissed

*A speaker? I've never met a speaker before until now,* then Nova popped her head out and hissed as well.

*My Misstress's name is y/n Potter, and I am Nova....come serve her with me.* Nova hissed and slithered towards the cage and I opened it a bit,as she touched her nose with what appeared to "his" nose.

* I'll serve and obey your commands, Misstress....but I don't have a name.* The male snake hissed towards me.

"That's alright....I'll name you... Hades. how does that sound?" I asked as the male snake named hades nodded his head.

I'll be right back,as I left to the front of the store and asked the shop owner if I could take the black and grey snake, and they said yes.

As I paid for the hades and got more food and snacks, I went over to his cage and picked him up, letting him slither in my robes the same as Nova.

Before I headed back, I made sure both of them were alright, and we went back to the house.

I informed Petunia about another snake, and she shrugged it off.

"Alright, go to sleep now," I said after I ate my supper, headed back upstairs, and started feeding both Nova and Hades supper and went to get changed for bed and slept for the night.

Snakes: Y/n Potter Where stories live. Discover now