40 | A New Beginning 🌶️🌶️

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Claudia slept for most of the fourteen-hour trip to Atlantic City. When she opened her eyes, they were near Pleasantville. She burned the late hours for what felt like forever. Given that she shouldn't even be alive, the constant pain in her body and face felt like a small price to pay.

Amelia's killer, Lorenzo Guarini, died. Rather than feeling sorry, Claudia liked that he wasn't around anymore. Lorenzo wouldn't order capital punishment again. Truth and justice prevailed.

She turned to Dominic after feeling a chilly hand touch her shoulder.

Concern pinched his face. "You okay?"

She nodded, and the words "Marry me, Dia" were the only ones in her mind. His proposal wasn't what she envisioned, but Dominic was everything and more the moment she met him.

Naturally, Claudia kissed him several times and nodded in acceptance. They planned to tour Guatemala City in a month and save Italy for their honeymoon before falling asleep in the hotel he rented.

A tired smile crossed her lips. "Feeling good. What about you? We haven't stopped?"

He shook his head. "No. But I'm good."

She couldn't believe it after all he'd done. His injuries should have put him in a coma, but watching him fight the way he had was incredible. He was obviously tired and in pain, but he wouldn't tell her.

Dominic glanced at her again, his expression unexpectedly vulnerable.

"Are you sure about not using the IDs Stefano created for us?" she asked.

He hesitated and slightly nodded. "For now. I just don't think I could handle it if you started calling me something else."

"What?" With a scowl on her face, Claudia shook her head. "At least he went with a name you recognize. Your middle name is Alessio, and the name Perrelli has a nice ring to it. Alessio Perrelli-I like it."

"Well, I like your name a lot." He drifted into the left lane with a smirk on his face. "Nova Kane."

"You know it's a stripper name, Dom."

He licked his bottom lip and chuckled as the sun warmed them. Dominic's birthday was tomorrow, and he couldn't wait. He shared his happiness with her earlier that morning during breakfast. Finding someone to enjoy it with was special to him.

Dominic laughed slightly. "No. Didn't want to risk calling him in case Lorenzo's men had hacked into his phone."

"Do you think he and Emery will be okay with us just showing up?"

Again, he nodded.

"Everything is fine. There's no need for concern." He brought their hands to his mouth and placed a kiss there. "We're safe."

Even though she had a lot to worry about, holding his hand helped her feel secure. Dominic coasted the BMW down a long, slippery road lined with enormous oak trees while she looked around. Similar to Dominic's bookshelves, several solid trunks have a carved infinity loop with three dots in each hole.

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