35 | Unexpected Visitor

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Dominic and Claudia went to Stefano's club before noon the next day in an apprehensive mood. She couldn't believe how quickly things deteriorated after making love.

Despite declaring their love for each other, a deeper connection developed beyond physical attraction and sexual chemistry. He changed the night before. He was warm, serene, and gentle.

Dominic, stoic and protective when they met, was now detached and guarded.


She held her breath and closed her eyes as the BMW sped down the freeway. Why now? Dominic stated that remaining with her was more than a responsibility.

With each repetition, the words hit her deeply. She knew he wouldn't like the idea of going to her apartment, but she held out hope anyway.

She mistakenly believed he loved her enough to make the trip.

Her eyes opened as he drove down the exit lane. She felt silly for wanting to cry while her eyes felt wet.

It would have been a surefire recipe for misery to have fallen in love with Dominic if he wasn't a Mafia member and all that.

Emotions increased in the face of extreme stress. Claudia fell for the pretentious jerk despite knowing it.

She inhaled and combed her hair. The breeze from the open window and his cologne overwhelmed her senses.

She put boundaries between them.

She wanted to hide under a blanket and never come out of it, but she couldn't. Claudia had to gather the money for a cab fare home to peace and security.

Then what?

She didn't know. She didn't think she could pick up where she left off.

She had to grab her keepsakes and leave her home untouched. Claudia knew entering her apartment was dangerous, yet she risked it anyway. Men outside the building were all she could think about.

Then she was in serious trouble.


Dominic's voice jolted her, and she stared at him. His huge shades covered his grim face and eyes. The man who had repeatedly made love to her the night before disappeared.

She agreed with a heavy sigh.

A few vehicles were in the open lot. She stretched her leggings as the sticky air stuck to her skin after climbing out.

On the way to the front door, she stared at the silent man again and felt her stomach clench and drop. She had to leave Dominic eventually, whether she lived another dozen decades or just another day.

She'd always remember him.

Her throat and heart were burning when the guard let them in without making small talk. No chatter this time. He opened the door and took them through the dim club floor to the office, slamming it behind them and muttering about Stefano being on his way.

It was just her and Dominic after that.


A monitor with black-and-white images of every entry was on the desk.

While groaning, Claudia rubbed her legs frantically on the couch arm. Dominic put his sunglasses in his back pocket and paced the office, never leaving the door they entered.

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