20 | Exposed

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Claudia could have been clairvoyant. Perhaps she wasn't. The next day, though, she was more likely to choose an alternative. Because when she woke up, she knew the rest of the day was going to be terrible. She had a feeling that things were about to get worse.

Again, this was purely based on intuition.

She felt insecure and uncomfortable in the large mansion, likely due to Dominic's absence. She wanted to walk to cope with her discomfort and overcome her insecurity. She went to wash her face and shower, but her feelings were still a little jarring. Dominic's family history and the shootout haunted her, making her feel like she was returning from war. She assumed it was because she yearned to talk to him now, but he was out in the world with a mark on his back. It made sitting on the couch and watching a movie with him a million times more special.

Their friendship changed once he shared his family history and talked a little about his sister. Sofia seemed less ruthless than her brothers, which intrigued Claudia. Dominic didn't have an end date for the contract. Regardless, he'd been honest about everything lately, and she kept thinking about why he'd told her.

She instantly felt like royalty after he changed and started caring about her more. He made her breakfast before leaving for the day. Small triumphs like these were crucial in a world where things varied and nerves were pushed. They would have to cherish these moments, as they don't know when they'll get them again.

When Claudia went downstairs, the silence didn't bother her much. She knew she was slowly adapting to the empty house and its features. Showering may have helped. She only comprehended that she had no answers anymore. Her thoughts were like gambling, and she didn't know which way to bet. A knock at the front door made her jump.

Do I answer it? she pondered.

Dominic didn't mention not answering the door. However, not answering seemed wise. These small decisions mattered. What if she opened the door and was shot immediately?

What if she were here and it had happened months ago?

That was unthinkable. It was a stupid concept that Claudia swiftly dismissed. Since she was a target, anything could happen. One more misstep would have splattered her brain.

She refused to behave like a chicken. She wanted to avoid anxiety, despite sounding foolish. Claudia opened the door after checking the peephole.

Two black-suited men faced her. She knew Dante and Max were Dominic's men. Relief flooded her. Her leg trembled despite her ease. She probably wasn't safe. His guys visited often. So she knew there was something wrong.

She gasped at how quickly her mind processed it. Maybe not even a few minutes, maybe just a few milliseconds. "Can I help you both with something?"

Dante glanced beyond the top of her head. Max looked down. Dante looked up and stated, "We need to speak with Mr. Beretta."

"He's out. We had an intruder, so he went to deal with him."

Claudia's stomach churned thinking about what Dominic was doing to the man. She didn't worry about his fate anymore because he was Dominic's traitor's relative. The man was irrelevant.

"Ms. Marcello, I must speak to him. It's urgent," said Dante, facing her.

"You can't reach Dominic on his cell?"

Both men shook their heads.

"You can tell me what's going on, and when he gets back, I can relay the message," she supplied, feeling her leg shake again.

Tainted HeartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora