15 | Traitors, Spies, And Everything In Between

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Working alongside Vinny, Dominic waited outside of a warehouse from a distance because he thought Matteo, one of his men, started the gunfight. After being betrayed at the jewelry store, he wanted to investigate and warn his men. He found monitoring to be tedious and became preoccupied with thoughts of Dia.

Taking pictures with her was fun, but he hated formal pictures. Despite Claudia's influence and affection, he remained skeptical that he would ever change his ways. The relationship between them enhanced his outlook on life, but it was too late. Getting out of the Mafia was a difficult process.

"Boss, you missed it. You're not even looking."

Vinny was always observing. When Dominic's man called him out on his lack of focus, he became annoyed. Because two guys were in the back, Matteo needed a clear angle. And Vinny openly criticized Dominic.

He stared at his guard and said, "You have some nerve talking to me like that. I'm not as deep in my thoughts as you believe. I notice everything." He whacked the back of Vinny's head.

The question now was: What did Dominic overlook? Did he miss Matteo meeting a rival? Or did he miss seeing the traitor rub his ass? Dominic couldn't ask Vinny because he'd prove him right.

"Vinny, come outside with me."

Dominic knew what to say but kept it civil. He wanted to emphasize to his man that leaving the car would expose their cover. That was wise to think but not express. Vinny was right, of course. No one needed to spot them, but he had to correct his man.

"Okay, boss," Vinny said. "What's up?"

Both men left the car. Dominic whispered, "Listen. Claudia is on my mind. My perspective is off. Take command. You're my eyes now. Listen when I can't. I'm not going to criticize you in front of Dante and Max, and I didn't want to hit you. When your fiancée is going to be shot, your focus wanders. Don't take my behavior personally. What stood out about Matteo? Was he acting suspicious?"

Before looking at Dominic, Vinny breathed deeply and looked at Matteo's house. "He had a long conversation with the police officer who stopped by. I believe the cop is the dirty one who works for your father."

Dominic exhaled. It didn't seem long enough. "All right. Now I know. Get back into the car and watch Matteo. He is doing something shady."

Dominic wondered what his father wanted from his guys as he watched Vinny return to the driver's seat. Discovering that his friend of four years had been talking to Damian upset him. He stayed away from doing something about Matteo since he knew his dad would find out about it. He had to weigh his options like a chess player.

Dominic later sat beside Claudia and gazed at her round eyes. Her lower lip biting was seductive. She soothed him in his tumultuous environment. He despised using the phrase "safe space," as it felt like a millennial version of tenderness.

When he said, "I don't have an end date in mind, and I rarely think about it," he felt confused. "That is, I am not comfortable including a date if that's okay?"

Claudia stared at the screen. "Oh." And then snuggled close to him. "Don't focus on it. Being together now means everything."

"Yeah. Everything."

He figured that neither of them cared about their problems anymore. Dominic didn't mind where they ended up. He enjoyed her company. Hopefully, things will stay this way. His intelligence, family, and surroundings should not overwhelm him.

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