4 | Tainted Hearts

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Nothing in the world had compared to what was going on in his office in all the years that he worked for the company. Dominic had Claudia against the door. His family portraits and achievements adorned every wall. He was too busy kissing her to finish the supply company letter he was writing. He forgot what he was doing when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her delectable lips to his. This woman had taken over his mind, body, and soul in every way. Their illicit act was hard to stop. 

He had to be straight-laced at work. But the goddess in his arms massaged his tongue. Claudia kissed him on the neck while he glanced into her shirt, showing her gorgeous figure. He could tell she wanted to keep going by the way she melted against him and didn't resist his hands. Now he would see her breasts, and he prayed he wouldn't explode before the action.

The blouse fell off, and she sat, kissing his lips in her bra. He quickly threw his hands behind her back and unhooked the clip. He was staring at her nipples, which were the size of silver coins and a deep red color. The feeling of her soft hands on his skin made him stiffer, and Dominic wondered if Claudia would grab his manhood. He wanted her hand to jerk him when she took the initiative to kiss him first.

However, reality struck. The building was full of employees. Though Claudia wasn't one of them anymore, Dominic understood why she wanted to quit. They had a profound need for each other from the first moment they met, and he didn't want to miss out on what they could be. He wanted happiness with her, 2.5 kids, and to live together in his mansion. Even if it was cliché, he always wanted to find the one person he could spend his life with. Of all his nightcaps and dates, Claudia Marcello changed his life. He couldn't let this one moment of almost making love to her ruin their potential as a couple. An afternoon fling was pointless. His biggest concern was that she might never embrace who he was because of the darkness that surrounded him.

He moved back and looked at her for a moment. "We need to stop, Dia." Dominic couldn't keep the smile from coming out. Calling her by her pet name made his heart skip a beat.

"Are you sure?"

Sighing, he paused. He kept contemplating the situation's severity. They were going to break regulations inside the workplace. It risked his future as a CEO. Problems would occur for others. It may generate major problems for the nation's top restaurant equipment supplier. These concerns were uncalled for.

"I think it's best that we do." Dominic moved away from Claudia, but she was too busy prepping herself to notice. He figured she'd notice it soon. All he needed to do was gather his thoughts. He fixed his tie and pretended he hadn't just seduced someone in his office.

She stood behind him and asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

"What we did was wrong." He turned to face her, pressing his lips into a thin line. "I took advantage of you. I shouldn't have done that."

After clearing her throat, Claudia shook her head. "I don't see it that way. I was the one who came on to you."

Dominic sucked in a deep breath and narrowed his eyes. "I shouldn't do things like this. Anything I do on the property could get me into a lot of trouble."

"But aren't you a..." Claudia's voice trailed off as she stopped herself from saying something that he thought was a comment about being in the Mafia. He liked that she caught herself. "Never mind. I guess I'll get my things together and clear out."

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