18 | Lust And Triggers

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Claudia's veins pumped as Dominic grabbed her hips and opened her legs. He kissed her muscles and navel.

She immediately closed her legs. There was too much going on to do any of that.


He massaged her inner thigh. "Yes?"

"I think..."

Claudia couldn't speak after he kissed her.

She inhaled and raised her head. "Let's stop for a second."

"You want to?" Dominic kissed beneath her ear. "This feels good."

"Lust does that to people." He chuckled as she continued. "Do we want to ruin our first time together like this?"

"No, but we both want to do this." Dominic gently kissed the top of her thigh. "I want you badly."

She nodded. "I do, too."

"Let's keep going." He kissed her right knee, then her left knee. "Dia, you've wanted this. You can't say otherwise. Now, open your legs."

When Dominic told her to, the air left Claudia's lungs, and her legs slowly moved apart.

"Just ... be gentle."

A wry grin covered his lips. "Always."

She breathed deeply as he slid one finger over her wet opening and brushed his mouth along her side.

"Wider," he said. Dominic kissed her again. Claudia closed her eyes and rested against the cupboard. His hands and mouth separated her legs. She clutched his hair and pressed her hips against his mouth as the pulsating sensations became intense. He moaned with pleasure. His lips warmed her clit.


Several minutes later, with such force that she surprised herself by not falling off the kitchen island, Claudia bucked and reached her climax. Dominic squeezed her hips after the tremors stopped, letting her feel his thirst. His hardness penetrated through his clothes. She knew it, and she wanted to give him everything. She swung to his rhythm with one leg around his torso.

Dominic breathed near her mouth. A sudden shift consumed him quickly. His face darkened. His bright gaze cooled the room. Lightening flashed through the crack in the windows as thunder rolled outside.

Her heart skipped when she touched his chest. His skin was warmer than it had ever been. "Dominic..."

All of a sudden, he was gone. Dominic was across the room when he reached the threshold.

He was bathed in darkness.

Her heart hammered against her ribs as she sat up. "Did something happen?"

No response.

Nerves entangled her. Dominic prevented Claudia from climbing off the counter with a low sound.

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