25 | Bodies

103 12 12


A gunshot rang in Claudia's ears, causing her to jump out of bed. At first, she thought she was having a nightmare, but when she looked around the room, Dominic wasn't in there. She slung her legs over the side of the bed as she yanked on her jeans.

On her way out the door, she stopped to listen.

Nothing—then a squishy crunching sound that made her stomach rumble, followed by a low grumble, and finally the sound of a body thudding to the floor.

She should have stayed in the room, but the worry for Dominic forced her downstairs. Were there more intruders at the mansion?

Cold terror pierced through her heart as she cautiously stepped into the hall.

Claudia's pulse was pounding as she carefully descended the two flights of stairs. She wanted to call out for him, but she knew, deep down, that something terrible had happened during the night. It was the same emotion she felt the previous night when she saw the man in the backyard.

She opened her mouth to say Dominic's name, but nothing came out her lips became instantly parched. Claudia walked forward, her legs numb.

She smelled the harsh afterburn of a fired gun as her bare feet met the cool wood floors. The atmosphere below was thick with oppression.

As she made her way to the kitchen area, Claudia grabbed the first vase she saw.

A shoe was the first thing she noticed.

A black trouser-clad leg cut across the entrance to the doorway. The shoes looked brand new and recently shined. Claudia shuffled forward in a trance, her gaze following the length of his leg to the odd angle of his waist. The man's jacket revealed a gray weapon holster. The gun was beside his outstretched hand on the floor.

It was against her better judgment, but she had to look.

Rocco was lying on the ground with his neck twisted to one side. He wasn't breathing. At all.

Oh God . . .

Next to him, propped up against the kitchen island, was Alfonso.

His throat suffered from a wound. His frail bones gave way under the pressure. Both guys were dead, and Dominic... Dominic was nowhere to be found.

The vase slipped out of her hands and shattered on the floor into large pieces of porcelain. Her throat was working on a scream, but nothing came out. She staggered backward, putting a hand over her gaping mouth. This could not have happened. Her mind steadfastly refused to accept the complete loss of life.

Possibly she was only dreaming.


Her heart was pounding, and the sights, smells, and sounds were all too vivid.

She felt a touch on her shoulder, and the scream that had been building in her throat finally came out.

Claudia tried to get away, but an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into a firm, bare chest.

"Dia, it's me. It's okay."

Relief rushed through her at a rapid pace. Claudia turned with her face to Dominic's chest. "Oh my God, Dom! What happened here?"

After a short pause, Dominic put his arms around her body. Even though the hug was tense and hurt, Claudia didn't care. She held on to him like he was a life raft designed only for her.

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