30 | Impulses And Substances

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For Dominic, this was the first time since Amelia's death that having sex felt satisfying. It went from being about giving in to a desire to finishing something. Even in those first few seconds of holding Claudia, he could tell that this time differed from what he had done before. After the second time, he wanted her beside him, and he wanted her again.

He'd craved her a thousand times before, and it wasn't for sex, but for what was building between them. They genuinely loved each other.

His urge to have another go with her intensified as he watched her change into pants and a tank top. From behind.

Up against the wall. In the shower. Wherever.

If he kept thinking this way, they would never leave, and he was determined to get moving. He almost left the room to find his father and get back at him for hunting her. It was a mystery to Dominic how he had resisted doing that, but there was no need to find out.

"You ready?" he asked in a scratchy voice.

She nodded as she looked at him. "As ready as I'll ever be."

It was late afternoon, yet the heat was rising, signaling a long and scorching summer ahead.

Claudia was strapping up when he hopped into the car after checking them out of the motel.

She leaned back and looked at him. "So, where are we going?"

"To a place outside of Boston," he said, checking the front of the building before driving away. "We're four hours away."

"Massachusetts?" She chuckled. "Why there?"

"I know someone who can give me what I need."

"Really?" She folded her arms, and a lovely smile pinched her cheeks. "Tell me more."

Dominic laughed. "I knew you'd be curious."

"Duh. Don't keep me guessing. Tell me why we're going there."

He took a big breath, trying to think of ways to say it. "The first thing is documents. New passports. Visas. Anything to keep us out of sight."

"Okay." She leaned her arm on the door and asked, "And the second thing?"

He looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Citalopram. It's a drug for depression."

Confusion washed over her face. "You battle with depression? I didn't know that. I've never seen any medication in your house."

"I only take a few pills throughout the month, but I forgot to grab my packs before we left."

She reached out and clasped his hand in hers. "Yeah. We didn't get to gather everything, and you were dealing with the guards."

Dominic nodded a little as he continued driving. "I wish I didn't have to take anything, but I may need to while we're together. The pill will lessen my animal impulses."

"Oh, you mean like ripping off someone's head kind of impulse?" Claudia asked in an energetic tone. "Don't worry. I'm not scared. I mean, I have no reason to be, have I?"

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