After the break with Yoongi, I had sunk into a deep hole of despair and loneliness. Despite knowing that it was for the best and that I did the right thing for me, the whole thing still ate me up inside. I had even contemplated leaving South Korea but Lyle helped me realize that this was my home and I couldn't keep running.

And he was right. Seoul was my home. It had the only real support system I'd ever known in my entire life. I was grateful for my found family, but I mourned for everything that could've, should've, been. I burrowed deep into my depression and stayed there until I was rudely awakened.

The first day of Mr. Cha's trial rolled around and I found myself shedding my desolation in favor of a burning anger. The trial was highly publicized so I couldn't avoid mention of Yoongi or Mr. Cha if I tried. But it was the way that Mr. Cha acted as if he did nothing wrong that really got to me. He claimed that he was only acting in the best interest of BigHit and Yoongi. 

Worst of all, he tried to boast that he was actually successful in rooting out a false soulmate, since mine and Yoongi's bond was no more. Arguing against that claim was hard to do and I felt nauseous as I watched the prosecution try.

I had insisted on watching the proceedings, so Jin had come over to sit with me during the bulk of the trial. He ended up having to restrain me from throwing my phone at the TV every time Mr. Cha's lawyers tried to defend him with another bogus lie. Ultimately, that slimy bastard was convicted and sentenced to fifteen years behind bars.

After the verdict was read, I released the breath I was holding, along with all of my fear and regret. I vowed from that day forward, that I would begin living again. I would keep the promise I made to myself and be happy.

I didn't leave the love of my life just to wallow forever. I owed it to Yoongi to find myself once again.

As usual, Bang PD's prediction about ARMY came true. Well, mostly true. The fans were indeed pissed that I wasn't around to support Yoongi during the trial but to my surprise, a large faction of the fandom were actually incredibly empathetic.

They mourned for Yoongi's lost soul bond and ran a vicious smear campaign against Mr. Cha's defense. They were bloodthirsty in their demands for justice against Mr. Cha for tearing Yoongi and his soulmate apart. While I was incredibly heart touched, I was also still leery since several fan accounts had sprung up dedicated to finding Yoongi's lost soulmate. Some of them wanted to find me and reunite me with Yoongi but others simply just wanted to out me. The last thing I needed was to face the fandom's wrath for breaking Yoongi's heart, even if he had broken mine first.

And so I kept my head down and embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I began dancing again and even went back to the English school to pick up a part time teaching position. The days grew longer and the weather turned warmer, and much like the flowers outside of my apartment, I bloomed once more. I laughed with Lyle, hung with Penny, danced with Jimin, and did karaoke with JK. 

I ended up having a sit down with the five of them and telling them all about my past with Hunter. We all cried and railed against god that night. I was so emotionally exhausted after that, I ended up sleeping for almost eighteen hours straight. But it was so cathartic and it brought me even closer with the guys. 

Penny and I were in a great space as well. I had been so afraid to lose her friendship that I spent several sleepless nights thinking of the best way to apologize to her. But it turned out that I didn't need to. She showed up at my apartment a few weeks after mine and Tae's ill fated night and before I could even greet her, she crashed into me and held me tightly. 

She was the one who apologized for not telling me about Tae in the first place and then confessed to me that Tae had broken down and told her all about what happened between us. I was frozen, unsure of what to say but of course, Penny never failed to shock me. 

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