TenTen changed like Neji did. She now sports a long-sleeved white blouse with a high collar and red fastener and edges paired with similarly colored, puffy pants that look like a hakama, with the exposed parts of her legs near the waist covered in bandages. The shuriken holster and the bandage on her right leg is removed and she wears brown fingerless gloves, with her forehead protector having switched to the same colour and her shinobi sandals having been replaced by black, open-toed sandals with low heels, and the shoes extend to the lower ankles; she still looked oriental with her style. (which I mean Chinese)

    "Wow Kaiya, your amazing." TenTen grinned, placing her hands on her hips. Kaiya learned later after the exams that she was determined to show how girl shinobi are just as strong as boys. Kaiya like that idealism. Lee was.....tearing up. "To have been so long since out last meet in, and now standing before one another as comrades, it is a sight to be overjoyed about" He clenched his fist tightly and smiled. As over enthusiastic as always. Kaiya smiled a moment before looking back down at the Akatsuki. He has been analyzing their conversation and not making a move. Suddenly, when she loosened her grip only a fraction, he took one of her kunai with his teeth and cut her hand before running. "Damn it." She growled. She used the cut as a chance to use a summoning. "Lira come!" Her spirit wolf, perfected into a completely solid form instead of a transparent one, gave chance. Team Gai also attacked. While Lira used basic hunting formations to drive Deidara towards the teem so he won't run away. Kaiya took a bandage roll from her jacket and wrapped it around her hand's wound.

     "Heh, no arms but still got me." She looked back to where Kakashi was, Naruto was back to normal, Lady Chiyo and Sakura had joined them. "Lira, meet me when you are finished." She barked the order before teleporting to Kakashi. "Gai's team has intercepted the enemy and are in battle now." Kaiya informed. "Yeah, I know." She scowled and pulled his headband down. "Idiot, don't overwork your sharingan so much." She growled lightly with her scolding. Kakashi turned and saw Deidara next to the remains of the clay bird. "Careful everyone, he's a long ranged  fighter who uses explosives." Kakashi reached for his head band but halts when he sees Kaiya's glare. "If he detonated something I'll take care of it. Wind assists fire but wind can also stop a fire by sucking out all the needed oxygen to keep it lit." The silver haired jounin nodded. Kaiya had to smirk, "You forget I'm the same rank as you." He chuckled. "Yeah well, your the first to become a Jounin right after a chunnin exam."

    She flashes over to Gai's team and prepares her new Jutsu. Standing in front of the team, she bends her knees in a ready stance. Deidara had taken a bite from the bird and started chewing. She will give him the nickname of Goaty since he looks like he will eat anything no matter what. Though she knew he only eats the clay he had, the man still looked like a goat to her. His body starts expanding in different places. "He's concentrating all of his chakra into a single point!" Neji informs the others. "Get back, he is planning to detonate himself!" Kaiya ordered and started to activate her jutsu. Pressurized wind streams from her mouth like a jet and Lira immediately starts circling the Akatsuki, changing the form into a vortex, depriving the space inside of any oxygen. "Art.....Is an explosion! Heh!"

      The man explodes the vortex able to contain most of the blast but the shockwave sent from the wind being pushed out at her, made Kaiya fly back, Neji was able to catch her and sit her next to Chiyo. "Tch, still haven't perfected it." She growled. The Hyuga shook his head. "That was good enough to prevent from there being any casualties." She caught her breath after a moment. Kakashi looked impressed. "So you learned how to create your own jutsu already huh?" Kaiya's shadow clone that she left jumps from the tree, Gaara on her back.

     The group goes to a large field. Gaara's head was laying on Kaiya's lap, cold and unmoving while Sakura uses her medical jutsu to check the condition. The pinkette looked up and closed her eyes, shaking her head slowly. She had tried to hold them in, not having cried in three years, but stray tears that won't listen fell from her eyes and onto Gaara's cheek. I'm sorry Gaara, I couldn't stop death again. She thought. She felt like she had failed him, failed everyone. She had tried to become stronger but still it wasn't enough. Naruto looked to be on the brink of crying as Sakura got up and walked away. Everyone else was silent. Then tears rolled down his cheeks. More than hers did. Jinjuriki can connect with other Jinjuriki, and they had a bond that she couldn't create. Same life, same hardships, same treatment. "Why....Why is it always Gaara? If he dies like this...." She could tell he was frustrated and angry. He walks over to stand over him and Kaiya.

      "He's the Kazekage.....He just became the Kazekage!"

"Try to calm yourself Naruto Uzumaki." Chiyo says, she was breathing heavily, weak from her fight or.....something different.

 "Just shut up!" He screams, whipping around to glare at them, despite having tears constantly flowing rom his eyes. "If all of you sand shinobi hadn't put a monster inside of Gaara, then none of this would have ever happened to him! Did you ever even consider how Gaara felt? Did you ever even ask?!" I calms and sniffs. Kaiya brushed the hair away from the love kanji and traced the lines with her thumb. Her own tears couldn't be hidden anymore. Mother, father, papa, the Mitsu woman in the cage, now Gaara......her ears lowered, pointing behind her head. She knew how animals ear positions express how they felt the same was for the wolf people, body reactions come without their say so. She hated how it would make her appear even more depressed.

     "You call us jinjuriki.....what gives you the right to label us?" When was that name given? Before she left all they were referred to was 'Sealed in side of him or her' 'Vessel' and other vague sentences. Did they come up with a name while she and Naruto were away? "Who are you to deside someone else's fate!?" Naruto stops talking and his head drops, his eyes covered by his arm. "I couldn't save Sasuke......and I couldn't save Gaara either." Forces out through sobs.

  Lady Chiyo limps over to Gaara and knelt beside his body. She places her hand on his chest and Kaiya feels a pulse go through the ground. The elders hand glowed with blue chakra. "Hey what are you-" Kaiya sends a sharp look. "It's okay Naruto, she isn't hurting him." Sakura's eyes widen. "Lady Chiyo! That jutsu!" Kaiya looked at the glow. It wasn't medical but it held the same form. Chiyo looked over her shoulder and closed her eyes in a smile.

    Minute pass, hours pass. Chiyo was visibly weakening by the second.  "I don't get it, what are you doing! Leave him alone will yo-" Sakura stops him. "Naruto, it's alright, she's bringing him back. This made Kaiya look up at her. "R-really?" Sakura nodded but looked sad. Chiyo heaves as she tried to continue. "I don't have.....enough chakra." She croaked. Naruto walked over and held his hands out "Use my chakra. Take as much as you need to. That'll work won't it granny. Please." He begs. Chiyo complies and he places his hands over hers. He winced from the feeling of chakra being pulled out.

     Kaiya moved away, gently lowering Gaara to the grass. "Where are you going?" Kakashi asks. "I smell sand shinobi on their way here. "To inform the sand of his able return."

   She walked a few steps backwards. "But I will wait till he wakes up." She said, a smile on her lips and tears of relief in the corners of her eyes.

The ninja wolfs bond (Gaara romance love story)book 2 of howl of the ninjas wolfWhere stories live. Discover now