Draco smirked at her and tried to hide the stupidly large grin that had spread itself across his face.

"It's no one's business who Ally is with," snapped Tom. "So stay the fuck out of it,"

"Thank you, Tommy," smiled Alya.

"Always, my angel," winked Tom.

"ANYWAY!" said Professor Trelawney. "The ins and outs of Miss Cortez' love life have nothing to do with this lesson, although I myself find it quite confusing,"

"Oh god," laughed Alya.

"Today's lesson will be establishing the difference between legilimency and occlumency," said Trelawney. "Can anyone tell me what each of these are?"

"Legilimency is the ability to read someone's mind, memories and thoughts," said Alya. "Occlumency is quite the opposite, it's the act of blocking someone from doing that. Closing your mind to outside magic,"

"Very good, Miss Cortez," said Trelawney. "Although you'd know all about legilimency, wouldn't you,"

"I would indeed," said Alya.

The class was staring at her once again, looking shocked.

"God, why is everyone so interested in my life all the time," laughed Alya.

"You can't blame them, darling," chuckled Fred. "You are literally the most powerful witch on the planet, daughter of the most famous Goddess known to man,"

"Not to mention you killed the darkest and most dangerous wizard that ever lived," said George. "People are going to be nosey,"

"Oh yeah," chuckled Alya. "I forget about all that half the time to be honest,"

"How can you forget that?" shouted Blaise from across the room. "I certainly don't,"

"Well I don't exactly do anything about it, do I," chuckled Alya. "I may be the most powerful witch alive but I don't use that for anything, good or bad,"

"That's true," smiled Mattheo. "That's one of the things I love the most about you,"

"Same here, you have all that power but you don't even acknowledge it," smiled Draco. "Unless you need to, of course,"

"So many people could turn so nasty and greedy with all that money and power," said Tom."Just like our idiot father. But you, you opened up your home to us all, and our sister that you'd never even met before the day she moved in. You help us all and anyone that needs it in every way you can and you're just the sweetest girl in the world,"

"Not to mention what you did for us," smiled Fred. "Buying us the shop and the flat, all the money you gave us and all the work you put into it all,"

"Yeah, that doesn't go unnoticed," smiled George. "Oh, and buying Ron that firebolt,"

"Everything you've done for me in the last 10 years," said Enzo. "I don't know where I'd be without you,"

"Me too," said Draco. "Well actually I do know where I'd be, in Azkaban or in a grave. What you did for me and even my family will never be forgotten,"

"You're just an incredible person, Ally," said Theo. "Nothing like anyone I've ever met before,"

"Oh my god, you guys," said Alya. "Stop being so bloody cute,"

"But it's true, Ally," said Pansy. "You truly are so beautiful inside and out,"

"I just love you all," said Alya. "I'd do anything for the people I love and care about,"

"And we love you," smiled Fred, kissing her forehead.

"We do," smiled Mattheo, as the others nodded and smiled in agreement.

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