Chapter 72

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     Until departure, Gong Tao did not come back.

 Except for Gong Tao, no one took Huo Shen's car.

 Outside the city, the sky has darkened, and the stars are swaying in the wind and sand.

 The vague howling of strange beasts, accompanied by the howling wind, came faintly from the distance.

 Xiao Hanping was sitting in the car, side by side with Huo Shen, looking at the projection sent by Zhong Fanglin.

 In the picture, there is a group of fifteen people with special abilities hunting team. The protective suits they wear are printed with the words "Lydeburg", the Western Underground City.

 These fifteen people moved quickly, had keen perceptions, and were quite strong. Along the way, the energy vehicle was already loaded with the corpses of edible alien beasts.

 "Captain, it's getting dark, should we go back?"

 The team's recorder was installed on the forehead of the man who made the sound, and the projected angle of view was naturally expanded by him.

 The person called the captain is a woman with a hot figure.

 She had a ponytail tied behind her head and behaved competently. After hearing the words, she first said: "Okay, let me know and prepare to return." But then she frowned and said: "Wait! Something seems wrong." "Something's wrong?



 The team members haven't finished speaking yet.

 The sudden change!

 In the dense forest, the scarlet beast pupils were like gloomy will-o'-the-wisps, floating in mid-air, being ignited one after another by the cold wind.


 The suppressed roar spread in all directions in the blink of an eye, like an echo, rising higher than the wave.

 Surrounded by beast eyes and approached by roars, the hearts of the fifteen people immediately became cold to the core.

 "Captain, yes, yes..."

 All that was left in the projection was the rapid and frightened breathing of everyone.

 No one needs to remind you, everyone understands.

 It's a tide of alien beasts.

 They approached silently.

 The captain barely maintained his sanity, and roared, trying to wake up the fighting spirit of his teammates: "Line up!!"

 The camera began to shake violently.

 The tide of alien beasts in the distance seemed to be awakened by the captain's voice.

 The next moment, the dull but huge roar turned into sound waves and overwhelmed the alien beast tide, as if giving orders, they stopped dormant and rushed over together!

 Countless strange beasts are running in the dense forest.

 The leaves shook violently, and even the ground shook.

 The stench in the air became more and more obvious, making people sick, and the dense footsteps almost squeezed the air, quickly approaching under the despair of everyone.

 "Help! Help!!"

 Someone broke down and shouted.

 But in vain.

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