Chapter 8

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    Xiao Hanping flew over the city's heartbreaking cries and arrived at Shelter 7 where Liu Qin and Ji Jiarui were.

 It's safe here, but it's a mess.

 Human beings have a natural perception of danger, but they lack the matching ability to resist. Now that the Holy Light City is captured by the tide of alien beasts, they are half fearful and half confused, and are rushing for their lives with most of the crowd.

 Liuqin is also one of them.

 She held Ji Jiarui's hand tightly and squeezed forward while breathing heavily.

 Finally came to an open place, she let go, squatted down and held Ji Jiarui's shoulder, and said with tears: "Jiarui, you can go the rest of the way by yourself, okay, mom has to go back to find your brother, he was arrested by the guards before." Take it to the west city wall, and haven't come back yet—"

 Ji Jiarui heard half of it, and suddenly looked behind her: "5567!"

 Liuqin was stunned, and subconsciously turned around: "What?"

 In front of her, a fiery red computer A slowly landed.

 The shock wave of the heavy metal landing raised the flying sand on the ground, Ji Jiarui raised his hand to block his eyes, and shouted: "5567, can you save my brother!" Hearing this, Xiao Hanping opened the door of the cockpit: "It's me.


 Ji Jiarui's eyes widened, he didn't expect that the new superhero in his mind would be his brother.

 Xiao Hanping didn't give the two of them much time to be surprised.

 He operated the mecha to touch the ground with one knee, stretched out the mechanical arm and stopped in front of the two of them: "Come up." Liu Qin

 and Ji Jiarui looked at each other, and quickly used their hands and feet to hug the solid palm made of alloy in front of them.

 The cockpit space of the mecha is not spacious and can only accommodate one person. If he wants to take them away together, Xiao Hanping can only let the mecha maintain the lifting action.

 He adjusted his perspective and glanced back.

 Fortunately, Shelter No. 7 is a little far away from the west city wall. In such a short period of time, the alien beasts have not broken through here. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for even him to fight in his current state.

 The communicator suddenly buzzed.

 "5567, look to the right."

 Xiao Hanping turned his face and looked over.

 A transport-type energy vehicle is running on the main road leading directly to the city gate.

 In the car, the five mechas of the third team were all there, surrounded by a group of people who had escaped from death.

 The transportation platform of the rear compartment after being lifted off has no room for the mech to step down, but it is still more than enough for two people.

 Xiao Hanping sprinted a few steps forward, bent his knees to accumulate strength, and took advantage of the superior performance of the mecha to jump directly above the driver's seat.

 The smooth alloy roof was immediately smashed into two big holes.


 The communicator was filled with silence.

 What kind of hardcore King of Destruction is this?

 But it’s impossible to complain.

 Not long after, the mature captain spoke: "As expected of 5567, the jumping movements are so precise."

After Rebirth I Found Everyone Is My Fan Brotherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن