*Draco and Mattheo, kissing?! And... oh my god why am I seeing this right now? This is disgusting!* said Pansy into Alya's head.

*Please don't say anything, I don't think they want anyone to know yet.* said Alya.

*Of course I won't, i just didn't think they'd actually do it* said Pansy.

*Me neither to be honest, it caught me off guard but it was so fucking hot* said Alya.

*Careful, you're dribbling* laughed Pansy.

*Piss off* chuckled Alya.

"You gonna fill us in or what?" asked Blaise.

"Nope," smiled Pansy, as she started eating her breakfast.

Alya, Draco and Mattheo sat down to start eating too, and Alya went into Draco's head.

*Just a heads up, Pansy knows about you and Mattheo. But don't worry, she won't say anything* Alya said into Draco's mind. Draco choked on his food and looked up at her worried. *Don't stress. You know she won't tell anyone*

Draco nodded quickly and looked over at Pansy, who simply smiled and shook her head slightly as if to say that she wasn't going to mention it.

Alya thought it best to let Mattheo know too, so she went into his head and said exactly the same thing she said to Draco. Mattheo dropped his fork and looked at Pansy.

"You better fucking not, Pants," he said out loud.

"You know I won't, Matt," said Pansy, calmly. "Don't worry,"

"What's going on?" asked Enzo, looking extremely confused.

"Pansy and I can have conversations with people inside their heads," explained Alya. "We're both legilimens, well Pansy's a seer of course but still,"

"That's so cool," said Enzo. "So what're you talking about,"

"Just girly stuff," smiled Alya, winking at him. He gave her a look but shook his head and continued eating.

"Actually Enzo, Ally and I are having a sleepover on Saturday night," said Pansy. "Wanna join?"

"Sure, I'd love that," smiled Enzo. Alya smiled at Pansy, who's face had suddenly dropped. "Oh my... holy shit,"

"Pans?" said Alya. Pansy looked up at her horrified, and Alya already knew what she had seen. "Shit... Pansy don't,"

Pansy nodded her head and smiled softly at Enzo before carrying on with her food. Everyone was looking at them weirdly, clearly wanting to know what was going on. Alya just carried on eating and avoided eye contact with all of them. Enzo looked at Alya with a puzzled look, while Alya just shook her head at him with a smile and he went back to his food. Pansy had seen Enzo's thoughts about his mother, and perhaps even seen her death. Alya knew that Enzo wouldn't want to talk about it, especially not in front of everyone.

When they had all finished, they all made their way out to the Quidditch pitch as the boys had practice. Alya, Pansy, Tom and Enzo went to sit on the benches around the pitch while the other boys went to get changed. Alya sat next to Tom, who grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers, putting their hands on his lap. He placed his other hand on top and kissed her cheek. Alya loved this and smiled widely at him.

"You two look so hot together," said Enzo. "You'd have beautiful babies,"

"Agreed," said Pansy, looking at them. "You two do suit a lot better than the others. It may be because you both have dark hair, though,"

"Cute..." said Alya.

"Yeah, although I would love to see a you and Mr pretty boy baby," said Enzo. "Could you imagine how gorgeous that child would be! Draco's hair is white blonde and yours is jet black, his eyes are the most gorgeous bluey silver colour I've ever seen and yours are piercing green. He's probably the most beautiful man on the planet and you're without a doubt the most beautiful woman on the planet. That baby won't even know what's hit it,"

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