Chapter XXXV

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Alexa's POV:

My eyes snapped open. Something wasn't right. I couldn't pinpoint what it was, but I had a bad feeling overwhelm me. It had been three days since Lilly and I snuck out to the cells to torture Jake. He had been bandaged up and was being cared for back in the cell while I was on bedroom Lockdown, not allowed to go anywhere in the house without Liam or Jacob.

Those past three days I had a feeling in my gut of anticipation, as if I knew something was going to happen. It made me anxious at whatever it was that I was sensing. I slowly sat up, realising Liam wasn't beside me. I scanned the room, broken glass on the floor, the curtains shredded. The carpet had blood splatters on it while most of the furniture had been broken. Even the bed I was in had blood splattered across the bed sheets. I realised my gut feeling was right as I anxiously sat on my bed, waiting for something – anything to happen.

I knew Liam didn't cause this, but I couldn't see him anywhere around the room. I could feel myself start to panic but tried to keep a level head as I placed my feet on the floor. I made my way to the bathroom, careful not to stand on the glass shards and bits of broken wood that had scattered everywhere. I stopped at the vanity, staring at myself in the mirror, confused had what had happened here while I was sleeping. That is when I noticed a dark cloak moving towards me.

"Who are you?" I gasped, turning my back to the mirror. I leaned against the vanity, my fingers clutching it for dear life.

"You know me," The voice said. My fingers brushed against a cold, metal knife under the vanity top, making me feel a little more secure.

"Are you from the Midnight Moon Pack?" I asked, knowing full well who it was.

"Getting warm," Jake said. My fingers started pulling at the knife, attempting to unlatch it from the vanity. I glanced around the room, trying to find a way to escape. I gripped the knife, slowly moving my hand behind my back in an attempt to hide. it

"Looking for this?" I heard from outside the bathroom. I turned my head to see a second dark figure pointing at the floor. I followed their arm down to a body lying on the ground. My eyes adjusted, allowing me to gasp at the sight of Liam. He was out cold, blood dripping from his nose, knuckles and mouth. I couldn't move as I stared at his lifeless body in shock.

"Poor Alexa," The second cloak said, mocking me.

"He tried his hardest to save you, but it wasn't enough," Jake said. I clenched my teeth, anger rising as my blood boiled. I didn't know if Liam was alive or dead, but there was one thing I knew for sure. I was going to kill these sons of bitches.

"It's a shame, really. If you had of left Liam alone and went back to your own pack, we wouldn't be here," The second said. I cold feel myself burning over, my eyes beginning to only see red.

"Revenge doesn't look pretty on you, Emma. It is a very ugly mask that you use to cover yourself because in the end you're salty that you were mated to Liam," The figure beside Liam pulled their cloak off, revealing the one and only, Emma. I gritted my teeth, many questions swaying in my head.

"Why would she be salty about not being Mated to Liam when she's mated to me?" Jake asked through gritted teeth.

"Because you're not an Alpha – or not the rightful one at least. And even if you were, your pack isn't the biggest nor is it the best," I retorted. Jake drew his hand back before slapping me across the face hard. I fell to the floor at impact, both hands planting me to the floor while still holding the knife in one of them.

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