Chapter XXVII

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Alexa's POV:

'There it was' I thought to myself. My heart dropped into my stomach as shock covered my face. I had no idea where the real Liam was, and I had no idea who this imposter was, but I knew one thing; I needed to get the hell away. I pulled myself from the imposters grasp and edged away from him, creating as much room between us as possible.

"Alexa. I want you to get rid of it now," The imposter snapped. I shook my head, clenching my jaw as nerves wrapped themselves around me. Liam has never spoken to me like that, and Lilly and Jacob knew that. Lilly started to move to me, but the imposter shot her a glare, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Liam, mate. What's wrong?" Jacob asked. He looked at me when I looked at him. If my eyes could talk, it would be telling Jacob to get this imposter and tie him to the chair.

"Get rid of it. NOW!" He yelled. I felt warm tears fall down my face, as I felt hopeless and scared, but I knew that I had to fight back.

"IMPOSTER" I yelled as loud as I could. The imposter made a move to me, but Jacob finally switched on, catching on what I said. He attacked the imposter, holding him against the ground with brute force.

"Who sent you? Was it Jake," I yelled. Silence fell as a loud beeping sound pierced our ears. Suddenly, the beeping stopped, and Liam's body morphed into Jake's.

"JAKE!" Lilly yelled. Lilly or Jacob must have sent an alert in mind link as a group of ten men bolted through the door and into the room. Jacob pulled Jake up, his hands stretched behind his back. The men escorted Jake out of the room taking them down to the cells.

'I hugged Jake,' I thought as I fell to the floor. I started rubbing my arms, in an attempt to rub Jake, off me. Lilly made a move to me, helping me off the floor and guiding me to my room. I stripped down to my bare skin, grabbing Liam's body was and allowing the pure hot water to scorch my body, as if it would burn Jake's touch off. I scrubbed my already raw skin, making sure not to leave anything.

Once done, I took my shaking body out of the shower and walked into the room, dripping water all over the floor. I didn't care anymore. I didn't want to do anything. To move or walk or talk – even breath. Lilly watched me as I laid back on my bed, soaking the sheets, steam rising off me. We heard the door open slowly, causing Lilly to gasp.

"Alexa?" I heard from behind me. I didn't pay it any attention. My mind and body were exhausted from the day I had been having. "Alexa, it's me." I stayed silent. I saw a figure come into my vision, causing me to sit upright. I placed a hand out in front of me to stop them from coming any closer.

"We just had Jake impose as you and almost attack Alexa. You need to prove to us that it's really you," Lilly said. Liam frowned, confused at what Lilly had just said.

"What? How did you know it was him? Where is he now?" Liam asked Lilly.

"Alexa noticed instantly. Jake's currently in a cell. Jacob has him in there," Lilly replied. Liam's face boiled over with anger as he attempted to storm out, causing Lilly to grab his wrist and stop him.

"Jacob isn't going anywhere. Your mate needs you. Show her it's you," Lilly said. Liam nodded, taking a moment to collect himself before exposing a birthmark on his shoulder in the shape of a crown. Lilly nodded her head, moving aside to allow access to me. Liam cautiously walked to me, embracing me. I instantly cried in relief, feeling my heartbeat heavily in my chest.

"Liam. It's really you," I said, welcoming the sparks that confirmed it was him. Liam nodded into my neck, hugging me as tightly as he could without hurting me.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I got here sooner," Liam said, pulling back and brushing hair out of my face. I placed a hand on his cheek, lovingly.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you're okay," I said, pulling him in for another embrace. I clenched my teeth before turning to Lilly. "Can you give us a minute." Lilly nodded, walking out of the room and closing the door.

"Liam, I'm pregnant with Jake's baby," I said. Liam's breathing hitched as he stared at me, trying to find any possible trace of a lie. I pulled one of the sticks out of my pocket and handed it to Liam, giving him the confirmation he needed. He took it from me and blinked a few more times, his eyes not tearing away from it once.

"Okay. We can deal with this," Liam said slowly, unsure of how to react. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Abortion is not an option," I said. Liam stayed silent as he bit his lip, deep in thought.

"Neither is adoption. He'll be a Lycan, he needs to be around other Lycans," Liam said, finally looking at me. "Then there is only one option."

"We keep it," I confirmed. Liam nodded, unsure but agreeing with my wish.

"Okay. He won't be Alpha though. Not unless he has my blood in it too," Liam said. I let out a relieved sighed, surprised and glad at how well he was taking this news.

"What's that proposing?" I asked.

"I don't want to put my blood into this baby. I only want a baby that has your blood and my blood, taking over as Alpha. Not anyone else's," Liam said. I nodded, understanding his condition.

"Okay. So, our second born will be Alpha," I said. Liam nodded, pulling me in for another hug.

"Can you live with that?" He asked me. I smiled at him, shaking my head a little. His request was so minor compared to the one I made about him fathering another man's child.

"Yes, I can." 

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