Chapter XXXII

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Alexa's POV:

'This'll do it,' I thought as I walked out of the bathroom in matching red and black lingerie. I stopped short, scanning the room to see I was alone. I sighed disappointed at my failed attempt. I placed a robe on, sneaking out of the bedroom and heading to Lilly's room to tell her the news. I knocked on Lilly's bedroom door, waiting for it to open. When she opened the door, she looked me up and down and raised her eyebrows.

"Alexa, I'm not gay," Lilly said, causing my eyes to bulge out of my head.

"Ha, Ha, so funny," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Lilly asked, now laughing.

"I was going to tease Liam, but when I got out of the shower, he wasn't there and now people are walking to us - can I please come in?" I asked with a fast pace and a pleading voice. Lilly moved back and I almost dived into her room. I closed the door and pressed my ear to it, listening to the men to walk past.

"Yeah, I heard him in the cells. He just can keep to himself, can't he?" The first guy said.

"Na, he can't, and all of us have to deal with listening to this weirdo jerking himself off," the second said. Their voices grew faint and, in a few minutes, they were gone.

"What's going on?" Lilly asked. I turned to her, the biggest smile covering my face.

"Liam proposed!" I yelled, trowing my hand up to show her my ring. Lilly gasped, engulfing me in a hug before pulling but and staring at the beautiful ring that sat on my hand.

"Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" Lilly exclaimed, causing me to laugh.

"Thank you! I didn't even see it coming!" I said. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Of course, you're not meant to," Lilly replied before engulfing me in another hug. We hugged tight and long before finally pulling back again. "Let's do something tonight."

"I don't know. I'm a little exhausted," I said. Lilly leaned in, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Too exhausted to pass off the opportunity to torture Jake?" Lilly whispered. I stared at her wide eyed, my stomach tangling in knots.

"I don't know about this. I don't want to see him," I said, rubbing my arms.

"Don't you want Jake to suffer the way you did? Humiliate him the way you were?" Lilly suggested, nudging my arm with her elbow.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, still unsure about the entire idea.

"Wake up at one am and meet me down at the cells. We'll torture him a little, using whips and stuff, then just go back to bed as if nothing happened. It may even help you release all the anger and fear pent up inside of you" Lilly said.

I thought for a minute, unsure about the whole idea. I did want to release the fear and anger that built up from my time as a slave, and I wouldn't have any other opportunity apart from now... So, I nodded, approving the plan.

I left Lilly's room, allowing her time to sleep before waking up. I walked quietly down the hall and closed the bedroom door as silently as I could, being careful not to let it squeak. I saw Liam asleep in our bed. I walked to my beautiful fiancé and climbed in beside him, closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Twelve fifty-two am. I got up and sneakily went into my closet, putting on a pair of black jeans, a black shirt. I put on black leather boots and walked to the door, ready to head to the cells. I took one more look at my beautiful, sleeping fiancé before opening the door and walking out.

I closed the door as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Lilly standing there covered in dark clothes. We nodded at each other, before turning and walking with Lilly leading the way. We made it to a small platform that led us down a dirty set of spiral stairs. Lilly and I made our way down them, careful to not make noise. When we finally reached the bottom, we saw a row of cells down a long strip.

"This is it," Lilly said to me. I squinted my eyes, trying to see through the darkness, a nervous feeling overcoming me. Weird noises were moving through the hall, making it seem creepier than it already was. Lilly led me down the hallway of cells and stopped at the last. Its bars were the thickest metal you could ever see, there was no way any human nor wolf, could get out.

"Ew! Yuck!" Lilly whined while covering her eyes. I looked at her before looking through the bars at Jake. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Put that thing away," I chastised. Jake looked at me and smirked, pulling his pants back up. A shiver flew down my spine as I thought of my eighteenth birthday, remembering what he did to me.

"So why are you here?" Jake asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We're here to teach you a lesson," Lilly said.

"Teach me a lesson? Unfortunately, your boyfriend already tried teaching that to me and it didn't work," Jake said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, we're here to teach you a different one," Lilly smirked. Jake rose an eyebrow but didn't say anything more.

"Let's just get this over with," I said. I wasn't sure I wanted to be here anymore, but we had not come this far to back out. Lilly pointed to a chair that sat in the middle of the cell.

"Sit!" She commanded. Jake smiled, pulling his chains on his wrist that tied him to the wall. He did as he was told, sitting on the chair, his arms pulled behind him from the length of the chain being reached. We turned our backs to him, both staring at the weapons table.

"What should we use?" Lilly asked. I shrugged, unsure of what to do.

"We have a whip, a knife, a gun and a bat," I said. Lilly was quiet for a moment.

"Give me the bat," She said. I picked up the bat for Lilly and grabbed the whip for myself, taking them into the cell. I handed the bat to Lilly as she smirked, gripping it tightly.

"This is gunna be fun."

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