Chapter XI

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Liam's POV:

I walked through the pack house as people greeted me. I waved and smiled at them but all I wanted to do was find out who would put roses in Alexa's room. Who would hate her so much, that putting roses in her room would stop her from being around me?

I walked into the lounge room with Jacob and Maya with me and saw Alexa, Cody and Casidy sitting on the couch. They were all looking at the floor and I noticed that Alexa was playing with her fingers nervously. She looked so beautiful, even when a nervous wreck.

"Hey," I said casually as I walked into the room. They all looked up with happy faces and Alexa jumped off of the couch. Alexa started to walk towards me, business written all over her face, however Cody grabbed her arm.

"Alexa! You have just been in a room full of roses! You can't go near him!" Cody stressed. Alexa stopped walking and looked at the floor. Cody let go of her and they sat back down. I felt like absolute shit at this point. Someone had messed with my girl and I can't even be close to her. I sat on the opposite couch to them with Jacob and Maya following my lead.

"Hey, Liam," Casidy said and I smiled weakly at her. She must have noticed it because she gave me a reassuring smile back.

"Look, how about we deal with the matter at hand. Before we find the person who did this, we need to get rid of the roses," Jacob said. I nodded, agreeing, though I wasn't really listening. I only thought about Alexa. How sad she looked. My heart dropped into my stomach as I watched her star down.

"Wait! That's not all of it! The roses are only the second part of what happened," Cody said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tilted my head to the side, a frown evident on my face as I wondered what else could have happened here while I was gone.

"What happened?" Maya asked. I could see a guilty look coming from Cody. Alexa looked frightened as if whatever happened has scared the shit out of her, but on all that, Casidy just looked as if she didn't have a worry in the world.

"Emma attacked Cody, Lilly and Alexa, but I stopped her before she could do any more damage," Casidy said proudly. I shrugged her off, anger rising from the pit of my stomach.

'I SPOKE to her! We agreed to leave each other be WHEN we find our mates! I TRUSTED her! I even LOVED her! Not anymore! I HATE her! She will REGRET this!' I screamed in my head, as I clenched my teeth, my hands clenching and unclenching.

'This is what happens when you date someone other than your mate,' my wolf said. I mentally shut him out. My anger rose higher and I thought I would break. I thought of snapping a couch in half but I knew that would only relieve some of my anger. I was about to speak when Jacob did instead.

"She did what?! What happened?!" Jacob yelled, flaring with anger.

"Wait! Who got hurt? Where is Lilly?" Maya asked but we already knew the answer.

"Lilly's fine. She got a little hurt but the doctor said that she'll be able to walk around tomorrow. I left her to sleep," Cody said, quietly and Alexa rubbed his back in comfort.

'And that's why I love her!' Blake said to me.


Alexa's POV:

Liam looked so... heart broken. He looked angry and heart broken and fearful, all in one. I felt so bad and scared. I still had my suspicions on Casidy but I can't just blurt it out! She'd get upset at me, and what about Liam? They've been friends for a while! He'll hate me for sure.

"Where is Emma now?" Jacob asked as I fumbled with my fingers, my anxiety reaching an all-time peak.

"She's in the dungeon. I put her there to calm her down. As for the roses, I don't know what to do?" Casidy asked, looking at Liam. Liam took a deep breath in and then let it out, in an attempt to calm himself.

"Look, here's what'll happen. Jacob and Cody will get a team together to get the roses out and clean the room. You need to make sure that I can enter without getting affected. Casidy and I will go and talk to Emma and Maya, can you get the scent, touch, feel, anything that has to do with roses, off Alexa. I don't want to not be able to touch my mate," Liam said that last part quietly but we could all hear it. My heart skipped a beat.

'He called me mate! He called me his mate!' I exclaimed excitedly in my head, almost smiling. They all agreed and left. Maya stayed in the room with me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up," Maya said to me as she picked up the bags full of clothes. I followed her out, eyeing the bags and suddenly realised what was in them.

"Are those my clothes?" I asked quietly, running to catch up to her and Maya giggled.

"Yep. Liam let me buy the most expensive and fashionable clothes that a girl could wear. Only the best for you," Maya said as she smiled at me politely.

"Thank you. Ugh! I just want to HUG you!" I exclaimed. Maya laughed at me, her blonde hair falling into her face.

"You can hug me when we get the roses off of you," Maya said, still chuckling and I joined in with her.

'I like her. She's one of the nicest people I've come across today.' We walked into Maya's room and she put the bags full of clothes on the bed.

Maya moved me into the bathroom and gave me a bottle that she found under the counter. She passed it to me as I looked at it. The colour was a yucky brown colour and it had mini white chunks. I scrunched my nose at it and heard a laugh.

"What is this?" I asked as Maya wiped a tear away.

"It's better if you don't know. Look, you have a shower and I'll pick out an outfit," Maya said, gesturing to the shower. I nodded my head and got rid of any trace of those roses.

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