Chapter XVI

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Ziara's POV:

I was too scared to open my eyes. I knew I crossed the line. I bit off more than I could chew. I crossed the borderline, from the Midnight Moon Pack to the Redstone Pack. I thought I could make it, but two wolves took me down.

I could smell an amazing scent coming from one of them, but I ignored it. I had to because after my mate knew what had happened to me, he wouldn't want me. My wolf, Izzy, was screaming like crazy and it's starting to give me a headache. I was lying on the floor with one of them holding me down, but I was so exhausted and too weak. I could not hold myself awake anymore and I closed my eyes.

Now, I'm awake, in an office. I know that the Alpha's here, I can feel the power radiation off of him. I also know that my mate is here because I can smell the alluring scent. I'm lying on the floor as I hear the three people talk about me. The Alpha sounds irritated but I don't know why. The other sounds alert but my mate sounds happy. They kept apologizing to the Alpha.

"I'm sorry, dude," My mate said. I wonder if he knows he's my mate.

'Maybe I'm making it up?' I suggested to Izzy.

'No. Way. He's here and he knows. I can just feel the glee that he's feeling,' Izzy said back.

'Then why isn't he reacting? He should be tackling me. Kissing me. Marking me,' I thought to Izzy.

'He's in the presence of the Alpha. He can't do anything to you right now because of the respect he holds for him,' Izzy said. I whimpered. 'That's a good thing.'

'It doesn't make me feel any better,' I thought back.

"It's fine. Just, why was she here," The Alpha asked. I knew that he was talking about me, so I took the time to 'wake up'.

I sat up and 'yawned' while stretching my arms. The three of them looked at me and I finally got to see what my mate looks like. He had blonde hair that hung above his eyes and really tanned skin. I could feel his power radiating off of him as well, except less than the Alpha.

'He's a Delta,' I thought. It was Izzy's turn to whimper. 'That's a good thing.'


Cody's POV:

I could smell her. Her beautiful vanilla flower smell. I could see her beauty. Her Black hair that made her Hazel eyes pop. Her pail skin that suited the outfit she was wearing. I wanted to take her, right now. I wanted to tell the others to go away; to kiss her lips; feel her touch. I wanted to take her-

'Dude, we can hear you,' Jacob said in my head, through our mind link. Liam just looked at me and smiled.

'Is she your mate?' Liam asked me through mind link, causing to look at the floor and slowly nod. I really hope he lets her stay. I want her to be with me. I have no problems with getting out of the pack to be with her.

'I guess we could let her stay. We need to know who she is and why she crossed into our boarder, first,' Liam mind linked. I nodded again, knowing that he was gunna put her in a cell. We always put anyone that ain't in our pack, in the cells. We leave them there for a week. We do give them food and water and sometimes, company but we can't take chances with any new people.

The only reason Alexa didn't get put in one was because one, She was the Alpha's mate and two, She was too week to do anything. She could barely run when she was attempting to run away.

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