Chapter XXV

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Alexa's POV:

I woke up in Liam's room, the light streaming blindly through the curtains. I placed an arm to my left to find that I was alone. I frowned, wondering where Liam was. I let out a sad sigh as I figured I would be alone today. Running a hand through my hair, I got out of bed and went straight for the shower. I got in as soon as I could, still feeling the cold air prick at my skin. I welcomed the warmth of the shower, watching the steam rise up from my body.

My thought ventured through topics I hadn't thought about since I left the Midnight Moon Pack. 'Where would I be if I didn't run away? What would have happened? Would I be pregnant? Pregnant slaves weren't hard to come by at that pack... what if I am pregnant...' My skin crawled as I reached for the body wash, frantically scratching it all over my skin in an attempt to wash off the past.

I rubbed and scrubbed, harder and faster until I ran out of soap. Hyperventilating, I got out of the shower and stared at myself through the mirror. I felt disgusted and gross. My skin was raw and had been scratched and washed to the point where I looked red. I grabbed a towel and dried myself, deciding to go to the shop and get more body wash.

I walked out of the bathroom after I finished drying myself and noticed that there was a hell of a lot more clothes in the walk-in wardrobe than there once was. That's when I realised my clothes had been transferred here. I smiled to myself as I quickly looked through them. I found this beautiful, black dress that reached my mid thighs. It was long sleeved, covering my now red skin. I matched it with black and blue lingerie and black high heels, rushing them on.

I walked to the bedroom door, my hand resting on the doorknob. I was about to open the door into the hallway when I heard faint voices. I could just make out what they were saying if I pressed my ear to the door.

"We have to find out where Liam is. We need to ask Alexa, she was the only one who was with him," Jacob said. I frowned, confused at what they meant.

'Where Liam is? What do they mean? Liam is gone?' I thought. I could feel my panic rise as every word hit me like a knife in the chest.

"She might be sensitive to the subject. You can't just storm in and demand answers!" Lilly said. I nodded, agreeing with Lilly. Even if they did ask, I had no idea where he could be. I backed away from the door while salty tears silently fell down my face.

The door opened and Lilly and Jacob stood there, both talking tensely. They stopped when they saw me, both realising their mistake. Jacob's face softened as his shoulders dropped. Lilly pulled me into a hug I stood, shocked and sad at the news I had just discovered. I pulled away from Lilly and looked at Jacob.

"Can I have a moment alone with Lilly, please?" I asked Jacob. He didn't say anything. He just bowed his head and walked out of the room, closing the door on the way.

"What do you mean Liam's gone?" I asked her softly. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Alexa, do you not remember what happened?" Lilly asked, causing me to shake my head. I saw her shoulders drop too as she blinked a few times. "Okay, don't panic. We will find him. You just wait here."

"No! I want to come. To the meeting, to find him. I want to be there for everything," I said. Lilly's lips spread thin as she knew she wouldn't win this, even if she tried.

"Okay," She said. I nodded, wiping my tears away and taking a breath. "I also have a job for you." She stepped closer, nodding her head.

"Yes. Anything," She said. I took another breath, not a hint of happiness on my face.

"I want a pregnancy test."


Liam's POV:

I watched as Alexa drove away from the fight, after hitting this guy with my car. I felt relieved that she was going to be okay and away from this complete stranger who seemed to have his sights on her. I got off the ground, limping towards him. He laid in a heap on the floor, some bones looked out of place.

I sat on top of him, slamming my fists into his face a few more times in anger before standing up and repeatedly kicking him in the stomach.

He was unconscious, maybe even dead. But it didn't matter. He had ruined what was supposed to be a beautiful day of love for my mate, Alexa. This once beautiful place had become a reminder of how I could have lost Alexa. I turned back to the stranger, spitting at his lifeless body before picking my phone off the ground. It was absolutely demolished.

I took a moment to collect myself before taking the long walk home. I had no other options; My phone was broken, and I drove too far to mind link even the closest member of my pack. I walked to the road, knowing I had a long journey ahead.

I had walked for at least fifteen minutes before I saw it. The crashed car. My crashed car. I limped as quick as I could to it, moving around the car to see any sign of life. None. She was no where in sight. I covered my face as relief washed over me before a gut-wrenching thought came to mind.

'What if they got her? What if it was a distraction?' I thought. I was hyperventilating and looking around as if in any moment, more strangers would come out of the brush.

"Alexa!" I yelled but no response. I felt tears well up as I kept calling out for her, panicking that I was too late. I sucked in a breath before yelling her name as loud as I possibly could once more. The bushes moved beside me, catching my attention. I squinted my eyes, watching it closely as I waited for another attack.

"Casidy?" I asked as a woman walked out of the bushes, looking at me.

"Liam!" Casidy exclaimed as ran excitedly to me. She pulled me into a painful hug and sucked some air in, trying to hug her back. "You're okay!"

"Yeah, I am. Where's Alexa?" I asked worried. Casidy pulled back, looking up at me.

"She's fine. She is back safe and sound at the house. She took it pretty hard in the crash," Casidy said. I felt relief wash over me as my shoulders dropped. I threw my head back and laughed, happy to find she was okay and hadn't been taken from that thug.

"Do you have a car?" I asked. Casidy shook her head, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Na. I figured we'd just run back," Casidy said. I shook my head, realising it would be a painfully long walk back to the house.

"I can't run," I said to her. She bit her lip, looking to the side.

"I never planned on actually finding you. I was only supposed to come here and inspect the damage. I didn't prepare anything in case I did see you," Casidy said but I shrugged.

"We'll walk," I said, gesturing her to help me. She walked over, placing my arm around her shoulders, allowing me to walk better and have the support I needed to walk with my injured leg.

'I know who that guy was! I've been trying to figure out who he is, and I've got it! You won't like it though,' Blake said to me. I gulped, unsure if I was ready to find out.

'Tell me.'

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