Chapter XXIV

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Alexa's POV:

I opened my eyes, disorientated by the sight around me. There were glass shards all around me. The front of the car had caved in, created by a tree that I had hit. The wheelbase had fallen on my legs. That's when everything came flooding back. I remembered everything.

I screamed, feeling not only physical pain, but emotional. I felt like my heart had dropped into my gut as I screamed. My eyes welled up, as I looked around for a way out. My breathing was heavy and deep as I pushed the wheelbase up. Fresh pain hit my legs at the release, causing my tears to finally spill. I pulled my legs to my chest before letting go of the base, causing it to collapse to the floor.

I looked around again, grabbing the door handle and pushing on it. It was heavy against my hands as it broke off the car, giving me access to the world around me. I crawled out of the car and down to the middle of the road, my breathing, my body, my head, all shaking from the cold air around me combined with the pain.

"Damn it!" I screamed as the sky opened up, creating a loud crackle sound, the pitter patter of rain following not long after. I looked down to see my clothes ripped and tattered, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding a way home and getting help. I pulled my body up, the road spiking into my feet as I placed them flat on the floor. I had no idea where my shoes had gone, nor did I have any idea what happened to Liam.

I rubbed my upper arms as I walked down this sad and useless road. It was dark, foggy and cold, making it hard for me to move. Fog circulated around my mouth with every breath I took. I pushed through, trying my hardest to make it to Liam's friends and send for him.

~~~ 30 MINS LATER ~~~

I walked into the pack house and ventured down the hall, stopping at the kitchen where Jacob, Cody, Lilly, Ziara, Casidy and Maya were sitting. I heard gasps as I collapsed to the floor, my feet finally giving way. Lilly ran up to me, with the others following closely by.

"What happened?" Lilly asked, pulling me into a painful hug. A sharp pain spread across my body as I yanked myself back.

"Who did this?" Jacob demanded, anger clear in his voice.

"Emma?" Casidy asked.

"It wasn't Emma," I managed. "A stranger attacked us. Liam sent me to get help but..." I couldn't finish. I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight.

"Who?" Cody asked, pushing for more answers.

"I don't know!" I cried, loudly. My body shook violently as I coughed, blood splattering everywhere.

"What happened to you?" Maya asked, placing a hand against my forehead as if I have a fever.

"I crashed the car. I told him I can't drive," I choked.

"Oh my god!" Casidy said as Lilly and Maya took each of my arms and placed it around their shoulders to lift me up. I planted my feet on the floor, wobbling as we walked me out of the Kitchen.

"We need to get the pack doctor," Lilly said as Maya started focusing on something in her head. They took me to Liam's room to lay me on the bed, instantly pulling my ruined clothes off my body and laying me back down.

"Everything will be okay, Alexa. The boy's and Casidy will find Liam and you will be treated for your wounds," Lilly said as Maya took my clothes to the bin to trash them.

"I hope so," I replied with.


Lilly's POV:

When Liam and Alexa left, Jacob turned to me. He was just as excited as I was for the two of them to spend some time together, away from the duties of Alpha and soon to be Luna.

"So, what's up with you and Cody? I heard he found his mate," Jacob said. I mentally groaned, physically rolling my eyes while exaggerating it a little to make sure he saw it.

'Third time today! People, mind your own business!' I yelled in my head.

"Yeah. He did. Your point?" I asked. I had my brave face on, trying to make it seem like it didn't affect me however, inside, I was dying. I knew this day would come; I just didn't think it would be him who found his mate first. What Alexa said to me, I wasn't convinced. I have been mate-less for four years.

"Sorry, I just- wow. You look really tense," Jacob said. My eyes were twitching, my hands balled into fists, but I was fine. Only about to punch Jacob in the head.

"I'm fine. Don't know what you're talking about," I said while rubbing my forehead and turning away. Jacob came close to me. Really close. Dangerously close. He put a finger under my chin and moved my head, so I was looking up at him. He trapped me in a trance, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

'I wonder what his lips taste like... NO! He's Maya's mate. Not mine,' I thought, shaking my head and moving away from him. I frowned, even more pissed off than I was before. Jacob just smiled.

"What, you think cheating on Maya is okay?" I snapped. Jacob stopped smiling, allowing his face to fall. I could see the guilt that rose from the back of his mind. It was written all over his face.

"You're nothing like Emma. You won't turn out to be another Emma," Jacob said. I frowned so hard that my face felt like it was going to break.

"What do you-" I was cut off.

"-I was just seeing if Emma was okay and then she- sh- she." Jacob covered his eyes with his palms and sat on the floor. I sat down beside him and rubbed his back, not knowing what to do and feeling a little more confused.

"So, what, Emma kissed you? It ain't that bad, I mean, you didn't want to kiss her, and you regret it... don't you?" I asked. Jacob shook his head while still hiding his eyes.

"No, I do regret it but somehow it just felt," Jacob paused, looking for the right word.

'No, don't say it! Don't you say it!' I was threatening, my eyes going wide as I knew exactly what was about to come out of his mouth next.

"Right," Jacob finished. My jaw dropped to the ground and I just couldn't understand what I just heard. I was confused, majorly. I snatched my hand away from him and leaned back, a worried expression taking over.

"Jacob?!" Maya's voice broke from behind us. Jacob's eyes went wide as our heads whipped around to see Maya standing there, a broken expression written all over her own face.

"Oh no," Jacob said as Maya's tears fell to the floor. I couldn't register what had just happened. It felt like I was doing a one-thousand-piece puzzle, but I just couldn't find the right pieces.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Maya yelled; a hand placed over her stomach. Jacob's expression changed to blank as Maya bobbed to the floor, letting her painful cries out as loud as she could. Jacob looked away, not making any moves to fix this relationship.

"Aren't you going to do something?" I asked him. He ignored me, making me wonder if he even cared about her at all. I placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to shrug it off and walk away from me and his devastated mate. He left in his car, not looking back once. 

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