Chapter XXX

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Alexa's POV:

"Come on. You don't have one thing you want to say to them?" Lilly asked me. I shook my head while rubbing the back of my neck.

"No. Nothing comes to mind," I said. Lilly and I were in my room, trying to write a speech for me as my first introduction to the pack. I asked Lilly to help me, and we've been in here since four am when she woke me up. I'm still in my pyjamas.

"Are you sure? There hasn't been anyone or anything that's helped you?" Lilly asked me. I thought long and hard, but I just couldn't think of anything. I finally let out a long sigh and rest my head on the table.

"Can't we take a break? We've been in here for hours!" I whined.

"It hasn't been that long," Lilly said while leaning back on the chair and crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes, pulling my head back to look at her.

"Seriously? I'm in my pyjamas," I said, gesturing to my clothes.

"So? What's the problem?" Lilly asked.

"You woke Liam up and kicked him out of the room so I could work on this with you. I haven't even had breakfast and it's now two thirty. When I asked for your help yesterday, I didn't mean come into my room, kick out my boyfriend and make me skip breakfast and lunch," I said. Lilly laughed at me while shaking her head like it was some joke.

"Okay. Go have a break," Lilly said. "Only 5 minutes though!" I let my mouth fall open at her strict time, knowing that wouldn't be enough to at least eat. "You better go now because your time has already started." I groaned, running out of the room and making my way to the kitchen. I burst through the arch and ran straight to the fridge, taking out three apples. I closed the fridge while taking two quick bites into the first apple.

"A little eager, are we?" Someone asked from behind me, causing me to jump. I turned to see Cody, Jacob, Rick, Shane and Johnny hanging around the kitchen area while watching me. Liam was here too, his head resting on his arm against the bench, asleep.

"Well, if Lilly isn't letting me out later than I want to at least eat," I said. Some of the guys chuckled loudly, causing Liam to open his eyes and sit up straighter. "Aw. Poor Liam." I walked to him, stopping by his side, allowing him to wrap an arm around my waste. I lovingly brushed a hair out of his face, causing Liam to close his eyes.

"Hey baby," Liam said as he kissed my cheek before letting a yawn out.

"Why's he so tired?" Johnny asked me, causing me to turn to him with a sad look on my face.

"Lilly kicked him out of the room so we could get started on my speech," I said before turning back to Liam and moving more hair out of his eyes. I took another bite of my apple while watching Liam's eyes slowly close.

"Oh, that sounds fun," Cody said.

"No really. I'm stuck in a room with a piece of paper and pen and no breakfast. This is the first piece of food that I have eaten all day. I didn't even get shower," I said before finishing off the first apple.

"Well that answered my question," Rick said. I smiled as I threw the apple core into the bin that was close to the exit. I started on my next apple when Liam said something in his sleep. I couldn't make it out, so I just kissed his forehead.

"So, when do you go back?" Shane asked. I looked at the clock and was just about to answer when someone else answered for me.

"Alexa! The speech!" Lilly called. I sighed as I finished my fourth bite of the second apple.

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