New Book Preview: Game On Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm blaring at me at three thirty am. I tried my hardest to ignore it and roll over but the noise coming from it was so repetitive and annoying that I ended up waking up, rolling my eyes at how dramatic it sounded. I turned it off and got changed into a gym set, lazily packing a second change of clothes and a towel. I rubbed my eyes and stuck a hair tie around my wrist as I walked out of the house.

It was a quick drive to my mate's house, and I tried my hardest not to fall back asleep. The air con was blasting as I blared music through my speakers, attempting to make myself as uncomfortable as possible to stay awake. When I arrived, Luke was standing at the porch, watching my car arrive.


Damn it.

I got out of the car, my teeth knocking against each other while goose bumps appeared on my body. Luke had his arms crossed and his left foot tapping on the ground while I lazily walked up to him.

"You're late," he said as I walked past him.

"Only by a minute," I retorted, waiting as he opened the door for me.

"That's a minute too long," Luke snapped back, giving me a reason to glair at him. He led me through the house and into their private gym. He took my bag and set it down before grabbing two drink bottles. "These are now your most precious possessions." I blinked, waiting for the bottles to turn into gold or silver.

"They're drink bottles," I said, confused.

"Yes. The purple one is for water. The blue one is for protein shakes. You must have the water bottle on you at all times of the day and you must bring the protein bottle with you to the gym for afterwards. If I ever catch you without either one of these at the appropriate times, that's twenty push ups on our next gym session," Luke said. I gulped, wondering what the moon goddess has gotten me into. Luke then grabbed my hand and gently led me to a flat bench press with a metal bar sitting across it.

"Wow, we're just diving right in, aren't we," I commented, watching him remove the weights that sat on it.

"Lay down," Luke commanded. I followed his instructions and waited as he moved my body around to the correct position. He placed my hands on the bar and watched carefully to make sure they were positioned correctly. "You want to make sure that you have the weight spread evenly out when doing this. Otherwise, you could seriously injure yourself. Now try it."

I pulled the bar up and slowly let it fall to my chest before snapping back up again. It was heavy, my arms felt like they were going to break. Luke stood behind me, spotting me in case my arms gave out. I felt the pressure getting heavier with each movement.

"That's twelve," he said finally. "Put it back on the bar." I followed what he said and sat up. I felt so proud of myself. I had never done anything like this before so to be able to do that was good. "You had good form and posture. How do you feel?"

"Exhausted. How heavy was it?" I asked, rolling my neck around.

"This bar is 20kg alone. Any weights you stick on it, you add 20kg to. So, if we put 30kg worth of weights on, you'll be pulling 50kg," Luke said. I gritted my teeth, feeling like I had bitten off more than I could chew.

"I see I have my work cut out for me," I commented. We spent most of the morning light training with strength and cardio, working as hard as I could until I could no longer push, move or jump. Luke made a protein shake up for me as I lay on the floor, attempting to catch my breath.

"How do you feel?" Luke asked. I looked up at him as he leaned over me.

"Like I'm not going to make it to school," I said. He chuckled, handing me the protein shake and taking a seat next to me. I sat up, taking small sips from it.

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