Chapter XIII

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Liam's POV:

'Emma's got my kid,' I thought. It's all that swirled in my mind.

'Emma's pregnant with my kid. I don't know what to do! I need to keep it a secret! Nobody needs to know!' I was lying on my bed, thinking about it, trying to get a solution. I ran a hand through my hair as I sighed loudly.

'What can I do? I can't leave Emma to raise it by herself! I know she'll keep it but I can't leave her alone! That would be cruel! But Alexa! She's my mate! I love her! Ugh!' I thought to myself. I walked into my bathroom and washed my face with water.

'I need help. Where do I go? Nobody needs to know until I've got this mess sorted. I only need time and help. I need help! I've got too much! I need Alexa!' I heard a knock on the door so I walked out of the bathroom and opened my bedroom door.

'I need Alexa!' My head kept saying as I opened it. I smiled when I saw who it was though. Alexa.

"Hey, Liam," She said, while smiling lightly. She was wearing a blue, wavy dress with the matching blue shoes. The dress made her crystal blue eyes stand out which left me in awe. I soaked up her looks, loving the sight of a healthier, cleaner woman. It made me warm.

"Hey, Lex," I said. I moved out of the way so she could walk in and I closed the door. We walked to my bed and sat down. She sat cross legged but I stuck my legs over the edge.

"Liam, is there something wrong?" Alexa asked with a worried expression.

'I need to tell her. Maybe she'll understand! Maybe she won't. I need to tell her! I have to!' I took in a deep breath and looked into Alexa's eyes. I knew, instantly, that this would kill her to hear.

'She'll hate me. She's gunna hate me.'

"Alexa? You know Emma?" I asked and she nodded her head as her smile disappeared. I could feel myself actually getting nervous with anticipation on how she would take the news.

'God, I hope she doesn't hate me!'


Alexa's POV:

"Alexa? You know Emma?" Liam asked. I felt like something bad would happen and I instantly felt sick. I nodded my head, my smile disappearing. I knew it was bad but I found out how bad when Liam's face went pale.

"Well, Emma and I were dating before I found you and well, we had sex," Liam said. I nodded slowly, wondering if he was about to confess that he wasn't a virgin. I squinted my eyes, suspicious on what he was about to confess.

"Well she's..." He started before trailing off. Suddenly my head had come to a different conclusion.

'He's going to say that Emma's pregnant. He's going to say that she's got his kid! Do I even want to know? I thought before biting my lip, nervously. Yes, I do! I want to hear him say it! I want to hear him say it to my face! I want to know properly! I need to hear it!' These thought's raced in my head while I began to feel bile rise from my stomach.

"Well, long story short," Liam said while eyeing me carefully. He took a breath and then looked at me, dead in the eyes. "Emma's pregnant with my kid." My eyes widened in shock. Even though I was expecting him to say it, it still came back as a shock to me. The sickness in my stomach rose, only giving me enough time to race into the bathroom to vomit. There was nothing but spit and bile spilling out into the toilet, causing a burning sensation to course through throat.

"Alexa?" Liam asked as he walked in. I heard him race to my aid. He rubbed my back and held my hair as I threw up. My throat burned more than before. I coughed before I rinsed out my mouth out with water from the vanity. After that, I turned to Liam, who had a frown on his face.

"Okay, two things: One. Are you okay?" Liam asked, cautiously.

"Okay: One. I need to see a doctor," I said, leaning against the wall for support. "What was number two?"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for Emma to be pregnant. Please don't be mad at me," Liam pleaded, coming close to me. I could smell his wood-like musk. It felt like a little comfort.

"I don't know what to feel right now. My mate – who I shouldn't even have because I'm a human – has knocked up his ex? Maybe it wasn't while we were together but still?" I said, shaking my head to get away from my thoughts. It didn't work though; my mind kept wondering back to his scent, making me curious on what else I had to discover about him.

'I can't wait to kiss him. To have him in bed with me and be held as close to his body as humanly possible.' I thought to myself, smiling at the end.

"Liam?" I said seriously, looking up at him. He looked down at me, pulled out of his own thoughts, and smiled.

"Yeah?" Liam asked. I took a deep breath in, knowing what I was about to say, he could read too much into, but I said it anyway.

"You're mine."

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