lii - "Your character was like a fuel to his fire."

Comincia dall'inizio

Quackity finds that uncomfortable at the same time, he can't begin to find his voice to shut him up about that too.

Out of all the anger, now his murmurs sounds, he can't just disturb that.

Well, they're stuck here, might as well do something about. And since his ego is nothing but dirt at this point, so is his legacy, it's just better off if he just-


The other didn't reply, probably off with his head more than his ears.

Quackity tries again with a grimace, "Wilbur..are you okay?.."

Wilbur stops, and sighs heavily, "Wilbur's..not here..not right now.."

He finds that tone familiar, making him almost laugh, "And where is Wilbur at?"

... "Sweatertown."

A chuckle escapes from his chapped lips, a sad smile reaches his scarred face, "And who are you right now?"

Wilbur didn't immediately reply, but he finally opens his eyes but couldn't find the nerve to face him, "I don't know..I don't...know who I am anymore.."

Biting his lower lip, Quackity looks away, he doesn't know what to answer to that reply.

"I guess that's what you get for fucking up your life.." Wilbur admits, clenching his fists to quicken the bloodflow off his skin, why, he couldn't care any less,

"Are you the same that had a burning desire to create something that stays even if you leave, a sad little man who'll bring anyone down with him..An oblivious dumbass wondering why everyone hates him when all he ever wanted was to live..."

He inhales, feeling the tight, compacted air this damned room could give, "A psycho that wasn't meant to exist, stuck to the living when he's ought to be in hell."

He grunts when he tries to pull, another stitch pop but at least not enough to bleed, "It was smart of you to never accept me. Your country would have been into ashes if I held it off even with a single finger. Whoever rejected my apology was a total smartass. Wil- I..I'm not meant to be here. It's wrong. It's so fucking wrong."




"If it's so wrong then why the fuck does it feel so right?"

Wilbur opens his eyes, finally looking at his rival.

At least this time, it was Quackity's turn not to face him, "As much as it's probably best that you shouldn't have come back. Most of us thought better off thought you didn't return."

The fact that everyone prefers him dead..actually kind of stings,

"But I appreciate that you did. I had something to compare, it made me see how much I improved..wait fuck that- it made me see how much I became so much like you.."

He scoffs in disgust, "Talking about legacy, honour and some goddamn country who couldn't last in a blink...I didn't even know how I got myself into caring about all that- Oh wait-"

He grins widely, "I don't think I ever fucking want this in the first place- I don't even know how I got myself in the first place- My first mistake was a participating in that scuffed election for the ownership of L'manburg just because I thought that was right."

Those last word bites hard, considering it's a philosophy he can't quite easily let go.

Wilbur knows Quackity is one man to follow reason - what is right and what is wrong, with his heart a constant enemy for him to quarrel with,

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora